Second kolkata among cities to vaccinate 18-44 groups – News2IN

Second kolkata among cities to vaccinate 18-44 groups

Second kolkata among cities to vaccinate 18-44 groups
Written by news2in

Kolkata: The 18-44 age group in Kolkata was included in the vaccination campaign slower than many capitals of other countries, but the encouragement was done faster than most of them, analyzing the second highest number of recipients in the age group.
Only Mumbai in front of Kolkata in giving the Covid-19 vaccine to the recipient in the age group 18-44.
Until the report came on Saturday, 15.48,269 residents in this age group were vaccinated, while Mumbai has offered a dose of around 29,20,000 recipients, according to the co-win portal.
Health experts say this is a good sign because this age group is active economically and must come out to work.
“The average age of the Indian population is 29 years.
So, by vaccamating people in the 18-44 year old bracket, we facilitate two goals.
One of them is the opening of more economical and second activities, it will help reopen educational institutions, “said Professor of Ipgmer Surgery Diplipra Sarkar.
The center launched universal vaccination, including the 18-44 age group on May 1, while Bengal began for this group on May 11 from a limited camp in Kolkata.
Even now, Jabs for this category of state units is limited to priority groups, including journalists, vendors and transportation workers.
“We gradually expand priority groups in this age category.
If we get adequate vaccine supplies, we can open them to everyone because we have infrastructure to manage nearly 10,000 doses a day.
But because of the supply of Apol, we cannot do it,” said a person Senior health officials.
This center initially said that from May 1, countries must buy their own shares for the age group 18-44, while it will provide a dose for the 45-plus category.
Thus, Bengal bought 18 lakh doses from the manufacturer.
But in the first week of June, the center changed the policy, announcing no need to buy a vaccine because it would send all bottles from June 21.
“If we want to capture the feared third wave and possible disaster effects, we must vaccinate.
At least 70% of the country’s population with two doses.
Municipalities, such as KMC, do their best and in some Covid control fields, they have set examples,” said public health experts Swasthya Bhawan Anirban through.
Sarkar said more people in the 40-50 age group were influenced in the 2nd wave and many young people died.
“The level of infection and death must be less as we inoculates more in this group in the third wave case,” he said.

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