‘Sena purified the Thackeray memorial after Rane’s visit showed Taliban’s mindset’ – News2IN

‘Sena purified the Thackeray memorial after Rane’s visit showed Taliban’s mindset’

Written by news2in

Nagpur: The opposition leader Devendra Fadnivis said some Shiv Sainiks’ moved to ‘Purifying’ Warning Ballasaheb Thackeray in Mumbai after the visit of the Union Minister Narayan Rane on Thursday smelled of ‘Talibani’ mindset.
Rane started Jan Aashirwad Yatra who was highly published by visiting the Memorial Thackeray and praising him during media interactions that followed afterwards.
Do not want to let Rane score political brownies, some Shiv sainik then clean warnings and referred to as ‘purification’.
Fadniv said, “Sena members who did this did not understand Shiv Sena Balasileb.
Frankly, for me it looks like a narrow-minded approach and thinks like Taliban.” He said all of these problems seemed even more strange when they saw with the context of the Government of Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA ).
“Shiv Sena was somehow alright by sitting with people who tried to put back in prison.
But at the same time if someone visited a warning with sincere faith to pay homage, then Sena claimed that the place had become impure.
I feel this whole episode is not acceptable, “said Fadnivis.
It was under ownership of Chhagan Bhujbal as Minister of the Stairs Department who faced Thackeray’s arrest, but was given a suspension of punishment from the court.
Commenting on the transfer of ‘Purification’ Sena, Fadniv said, “Such behavior is regrettable and not in accordance with the culture (politics) that we have in Maharashtra.” Rane’s campaign to find a public ‘blessing’ starts with a lot of grandeur from the Memorial Thackeray.
On Thursday, Rane said, “I visited Memorial and remembering (Thackeray) Saheb.
I hope he will be here, because Saheb will definitely bless me.”

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