Serial Gropher Strikes at Ahmedabad Teen Darwaza – News2IN

Serial Gropher Strikes at Ahmedabad Teen Darwaza

Serial Gropher Strikes at Ahmedabad Teen Darwaza
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: The video of a young man who persecuted women shopping at the Darwaza Teen Market has become a viral, destroying the myth that Ahmedabad is one of the country’s security in this country for women.
In the video, a man in his 20s, wearing a t-shirt, black trousers and yellow shoes, seen standing behind a woman shopping from snacks in a crowded area.
While he was busy talking to the vendor, the man could be seen fumbling repeatedly.
When he returned to check Molester, he turned away, pretending to be someone who passed.
The video showed the man very touching another woman before walking far from there.
The clip triggered anger among shop owners and peddlers on the market, which is one of the oldest in the city.
The shopkeeper, refused to be named after, “This shows that criminals do not have fear of the law.
If such an incident continues to occur, women will not feel safe to walk on the road.
They will also avoid visiting the market.” Karanj Inspector Dv Tadvi Not available for comments about this problem.
In December 2015, a similar incident was reported after a police officer was filmed persecuting various women in Kanknival Kankarnival.
(The identity of the victim has not been revealed to protect its privacy according to the direction of the Supreme Court about cases related to sexual violence)

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