Severe bone disease, months after covid healing, worries – News2IN

Severe bone disease, months after covid healing, worries

Severe bone disease, months after covid healing, worries
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Avascular necrosis, a weakening disease that caused bone degeneration, had hit several patients in Kolkata that had recovered from Covid a few months ago, raising concerns between experts on the impact of viruses that could be fatal.
At least three such patients have been treated in private hospitals in the city over the past few months, including people who now claim and are arranged to undergo hip replacement surgery.
The section of the doctor suspects it can be a result of steroids taken in the long term by patients during covid treatment.
This disease, also known as AVN, causes bone degeneration and finally broken bones and the collapse of the bone affected.
This is triggered by a small blood vessel clotting in blocked bones because Covid, produces a lack of blood and oxygen supply to the bone.
This produces ‘bone death’ and operating replacement is the only decent care option.
Apart from the 40-year-old who is now being treated at Belle Vue Clinic, another patient has been accepted shortly before the emergence of the second wave in April.
The doctor was surprised at the beginning of the disruption of the patient, both of them had Covid before May 2020.
“I have a patient who claimed to have a Covid about a year ago.
Three months ago, I treated other patients who had Covid back in April 2020,” said Belle Vue Internal Medicine Consultant Clinic Rahul Jain.
He added that both of them were given steroids during their covid treatment, which might have worsened their condition.
“But they have a perfect form of recovery covid and returns to work without symptoms until they begin to experience pain that torture in their affected bones.
By the time they seek care, blood vessels around them have clogged fully and the bones have slumped that Cannot be repaired, “Jain said.
Belle vue patients are set to undergo hip replacement surgery.
In the previous case too, patients underwent the same procedure.
AVN mostly attacked the hip bone, according to the Director of the King Dhar Cmri Pulmonology Hospital.
“Most likely the results of the use of long-term steroids than covid themselves.
Patients who suffer from lung fibrosis as long as Covid often requires long-term steroids that describe them with the risk of AVN.
This is an unusual effect after covid, unlike brain strokes or heart attacks , which is triggered by the covid-induced blood vessel coagulation, “Dhar said.
He added that even though the AVN case was very little and usually the disease was late.
“Initial symptoms can be limping, depreciation suddenly from limbs, usually one leg.
At the next stage, pain deteriorates because the bone starts to collapse,” Dhar added.
Jain agreed and showed that his patients had a similar history.
“He is a technician who must handle heavy machines and do not have problems with muscles or bones until he has covid,” Jain said, adding that the use of short-term steroids, ranging from 5-10 days should not trigger AVN.
Patients are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and are asked to rest completely and stop lifting the burden.
Bone transplants (grafts), bone re-formation or shared replacement are treatment options.
The use of long-term steroids can cause an increase in lipid levels, trigger the globula flat in the bone joint arteries so they are blocked, said Belle Vue consultant orthopedic surgeon Hassan Iqbal.
“In addition to trauma, the most common reason behind the fracture of the thigh bone head is the use of steroids that are consistent.
There is no evidence to build a direct relationship directly with Covid, but steroids play a role,” Iqbal said.

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