Short supply Sputnik V can reach the launch of Govt – News2IN

Short supply Sputnik V can reach the launch of Govt

Short supply Sputnik V can reach the launch of Govt
Written by news2in

Pune: Chairman of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization, Dr.
N K Arora, told Ti that Russian Vaksin Sputnik V may not be able to enter the government’s inoculation site until the supply increased substantially.
Explain the reason behind the delay in the supply, Arora said, “Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine uses two different adenovirus as a virus vector.
The first shot contains adenovirus 26 (AD26) as a virus vector, while the second contains adenovirus 5 (AD5).
Making doses Second is a slow process, because the AD5 virus grows very slowly.
Because the second dose takes time to produce, the inventory has been postponed.
The first dose will only be available when the second shot supply increases.
“So far, only a few doses of the lakh vaccine are available for use in India.
Some private hospitals have run out of the first dose of the vaccine, the source at one of the facilities at Pune said on Wednesday.
Arora said that some viruses grow very slowly in controlled conditions, including adenovirus 5.
“Viruses have been used in the past for candidate vaccines and have caused the same problem.
Sputnik V availability so far in India is not high enough to combine vaccines in vaccine programs Free government.
Only when availability increases, a system, along with cold storage of vaccines, can be done to introduce it in government centers.
This vaccine requires the appropriate cold chain storage – up to half an hour before being given, “he said.
Vaccines must be stored at -18 ° C for stability and potential.
Besides Russia, only India produces vaccines today, he said.
Arora said the vaccine process had begun in India, but the problems in increasing the production of the second dose were being experienced here and also in Russia.
Reddy, who launched Sputnik V with a pilot base in India, is trying to solve the problem for the past two-three months now and we are given to understand that there will be progress soon.” In the email response to Toi, a spokesman from Dr.
Reddy’s Laboratories Limited said, “We work with our partners in India for making back.
We hope that local-produced doses tend to be available from the September-October period.
We have received 31.5 Component Dosage 1 and 4.5 Lakh Component Dosage 2 of Sputnik V Vaccines in India So far.
We work with RDIF (Russian Direct Investment Fund) to increase inventory.
“People who want the first dose of Sputnik V have complained of delays in getting a vaccine shot.
Representatives from a private hospital who previously managed the vaccine said the facility had stopped giving the first dose because it was out of stock.
“We still have a second dose of sputnik, which came with the first place we received.
The second shot must be used for those who are due,” said the representative.

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