Significant conclusions for long nightmares: Tharoor – News2IN

Significant conclusions for long nightmares: Tharoor

New Delhi: When a Delhi Court issued a senior official of Shashi Tharoor Congress from all charges in the case of Sunana Pushkar’s death, he said he had brought a significant conclusion on the “long nightmare” that had enveloped him after passing his tragic wife.
After the Judge Special Geetanjali Goel said verdict, said Tharoor, “Thank you for your honor.
It’s been seven and a half years of absolute torture.
I really appreciate it.” Then, the Thiruvananthapuram parliamentary member said in a statement on Twitter that he was dozens of dozens of unfounded accusations and media vilification patiently, supported by my faith in Indian justice, which today stands up “.
“I want to express a humble thank you to assess Geel Geetanjali for his order today, removing me from charges collected by Delhi police, which I consistently apply as unreasonable.
This brings a significant conclusion in a long nightmare that has been Covered me after a tragic pass from my wife Sunan, “said Tharoor.
He further said that in our justice system, the process is too often punitive.
“Even so, the fact that justice has been done, finally, will allow us all in the family to lament Sunana in peace,” he added.
He thanks his lawyer, especially the Senior Advocate of Vikas Pahwa and advocates Gaurav Gupta, for everything they have done to bring this case to this conclusion.
Pushkar was found dead in a five-star hotel room in Delhi on January 17, 2014.
Fir was registered by the police on January 1, 2015, against unknown people for murder.
Tharoor then ordered under the IPC 498A section (husband or relatively made a woman with atrocities) and 306 (suicide reduction).

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