Mumbai: Opposition Leader in Maharashtra Assembly Devendra Fadnavis on Wednesday said the state government has immediately provided assistance at only 1,500 crore to districts affected by flooding, the day after the State announced the 11,500-crore RS financial package.
He also accused that there was no immediate assistance announced by the MVA government for priority such as farmers in the package.
This package has made separate financial provisions for the rain and people affected by floods in addition to the work of repair and reconstruction of other critical infrastructure and infrastructure which was damaged by last month.
“A provision of Rs 10,000 Crore, including the provision of RS 3,000 Crore and RS 7,000 Crore for other schemes (in the package), made for long-term steps.
Actual direct assistance is only 1,500 crore,” Fadnivis said, “said Fadnivis) In a statement.
Senior BJP leader also claimed the release issued by the government on Tuesday did not mention the 2019 flood assistance, including compensation for plant loss, supply of food grains, hygiene grants, assistance for home construction etc.
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