SIM card vendors are held for forgery in Delhi – News2IN

SIM card vendors are held for forgery in Delhi

SIM card vendors are held for forgery in Delhi
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The 27-year-old SIM card dealer was arrested from South Delhi in connection with counterfeiting and kasing, police said on Friday.
The defendant has been identified as Naushad Khan, a resident of Tuxlakabad’s extension, they said.
According to the police, a Rohan, a resident of Dakshinpuri, filed a complaint that someone got a SIM card issued in his name cheat by using his Aadhaar card and also accused that he did not use a SIM.
During the investigation, it was revealed that only half of the details of the Aadhaar card attached by the Rohan SIM card application form, while the other half belonged to someone else, the police said.
Police Nabbed Vendor Khan, who said that he had issued a SIM card to Rohan, while also registering another SIM issued in the name of the complainant without his knowledge, said a senior police officer.
SIM vendors deliberately changed part of Rohan’s Aadhaar card information, police said.
Khan then confirmed that he issued a SIM card on behalf of another agent Amit, who had closed his agency and handed it to the company, but on the official note showed that it did not stop functioning.
He also said that he had issued several SIM cards like that with the name of another person without their knowledge, the officer said.
Khan sold this Sims to one person from Sangam Vihar who used to sell him to accuse a group of cheating, police said, adding that further investigation was taking place.

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