Since 2017, spoiled Manja Maimed 429 birds in Hyd – News2IN

Since 2017, spoiled Manja Maimed 429 birds in Hyd

Since 2017, spoiled Manja Maimed 429 birds in Hyd
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: The greater Hyderabad community for the prevention of cruelty of animals (GHSPCA) has found a total of 429 birds injured because Chinese spoiled trapped throughout the city since 2017.
The prohibition of Chinese Maja was declared in January 2016, under Part 5 of the Environmental Protection Act, 1986.
According to Soudharm Bhandari, an animal welfare officer (AWO), every year, around 20 to 25 birds died due to spoiled China and many of them sustain sad injuries.
“About 20% of birds, especially pigeons are taken for care after suffering injury because spoiled tends to die,” said Bhandari.
Glass plated utas continues to be sold in the Kite Market of Hyderabad.
Since the pandemic, a few have been made to enforce Chinese spoiled tires and many vendors cash in demand to spoil during the Sankranti season.
Bhandari explained that in Ghspca, they saved the eight birds since January 1.
The impact of spoiled China in birds and other animals is not only limited to Sankranti alone because the threads are disposed of remain in the branch and hurt small birds.
“Last year, during Holi, Indian speckled eagle was trapped in a tree branch because it was entangled in spoiled China.
While we managed to save the bird, Maja had cut one of his legs and now had to undergo the rest of his life in captivity,” Bhandari said.
Experts note that other general reasons for birds are dying because spoiled China is that most people do not realize how to remove threads from birds.
They tend to use blades, knives or scissors that can harm birds.
According to GHSPCA records, a large number of injured birds by Manja China in 2018, with 156 injured birds.
In 2017, as many as 106 birds were injured.
Last year, 56 injured birds.
In accordance with Part 15 of the Environmental Protection Act, everyone found violates the rules responsible for imprisonment of up to 5 years or a fine of up to 1 lakh or both.

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