Since 2017, the Goa Assembly sits on average 16 days a year: ADR – News2IN

Since 2017, the Goa Assembly sits on average 16 days a year: ADR

Since 2017, the Goa Assembly sits on average 16 days a year: ADR
Written by news2in

Panaji: In the last five years, 40 cave-selected parliamentarians work on average only 16 days a year.
Detailed performance reports by the Democratic Reform Association (ADR) highlighted the graph of falling from the Goa Legislative Assembly since 2017, home often met for one day to fulfill constitutional obligations.
This report also shows that of 40 MLA, only 11 participated in the home business every day from 80 days that function.
The ministers are not required to mark their presence.
Congress Mlaas Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco and drawn Kamat asked the most questions.
Most questions revolve around the supply of water, panchayats and rural development, and education.
“Many are curious whether the 16-day footprint record is good or bad,” said ADR representative of Bhasker Assoldekar.
“I would suggest, compare it with 312 days Lok Sabha sitting in five years from 2014, which is almost 62 days a year against the Cave Assembly 16.
(this) may be partly because of Covid-19.” The report shows that the duration of the state legislature has declined since 2017, with the number of sittings decreasing from 24 days in 2017 to eight days by 2021.
The number of bills passed by parliamentarians also saw a suitable decline from 28 in 2017 to 12 years 2021 .
The longest session from July 15 to August 9, 2019.
The house met only for one day on four different occasions.
In 2018, long before the Pandemic Covid-19, the house was held only twice for a period of 16 days, showing the BJP government’s move to the legislative debate skirt in the State Assembly.
The constitution does not set the number of days that the legislative assembly must fulfill, but does not state that no more than six months must pass between sessions.

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