Singapore Parliament to debate foreign talent policies and work – News2IN

Singapore Parliament to debate foreign talent policies and work

Singapore Parliament to debate foreign talent policies and work
Written by news2in

Singapore: Singapore Parliament will argue on Tuesday in two separate movements about work and foreign talent policies, which mainly refers to the comprehensive economic cooperation agreement (CECA) between India and the countries in 2005.
The leader of the Indranee Rajah house on Monday said that while the debate about two movements would be carried out together to be more efficient, the remaining movement separate and parliamentarians (MPs) would vote individually.
Safe! You have managed to throw your votelogin to see the results “Simultaneous or simultaneous debate will allow members to overcome the two movements in one speech and allow the problems raised in two movements that must be considered holistically.
This will also allow for more efficient.
Do the parliamentary business , “he said.
The first movement was submitted by the progress of the MP non-constituency of Singapore (PSP) Leong Mun Wai.
This states, “that this parliament calls the government to take an urgent and concrete action to overcome the broad anxiety among Singaporeans on work and livelihoods caused by foreign talent policies and ‘movement of the provisions’ of natural people in several free trade agreements Like (Singapore-India) Comprehensive economic cooperation agreement (CECA).

The second, submitted by Minister of Finance Lawrence Wong, will be in Singapore’s anxiety about work and competition in the global economy and quickly changed and the needs of Singapore to remain open and connected to the world to grow and prosper.
It will also ask for government actions to manage the population of foreign workers, ensure fair treatment by employers, and invest in education and improve, to create better jobs for Singapore and ask the government to continue to update and increase its policies to secure welfare and livelihoods Singapore in the world after uncertain pandemic.
This motion will also regret efforts to disseminate the wrong information about free trade agreements such as Singapore-India Ceca, arousing racism and xenophobia, and causing fear and anxiety among Singaporeans.
PSP first announced his intention to debate employment policy and CECA in June.
The following month, ministers have provided a statement of ministers in parliament about the importance of free trade agreements and trying to aloof falsehood about CECA.

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