Six were killed when the Thai military attacked rebels in the south – News2IN

Six were killed when the Thai military attacked rebels in the south

Written by news2in

Narathiwat: Six Days of Battle of Weapons between soldiers and militants in South Sepiyat Thailand have left six dead, Military said Monday, when guerrilla hunting troops hid in swamp forests.
Three of the southernmost provinces of Thailand have been in the grip of the 17-year conflict that has killed more than 7,000 people, the majority of civilians, as militants in the Muslim-majority region fighting for more autonomy from Thailand.
Pandemics have brought a break to clashes – often marked as tit attack-for-tat – but the battle has been updated in recent weeks.
The 4th Army Area of ​​Thailand, which oversees the southern province, said Monday that the military was locked in battle weapons with separatists in Narathiwat province since September 28.
The authorities surrounded the swamp forest in Bachao Regency on Tuesday after receiving a tip that the group suspected of armed armed rebels hiding there, said Colonel Keattisak Neewong, a spokesman for the South Military Unit responsible for security.
“We lost our first officer in a shootout last Tuesday,” he told AFP.
“We continue to negotiate with them from the first day with the help of local religious leaders but they have refused the talks and continued to shoot.” On Sunday morning, the group tried to escape, triggered a shootout who left four alleged rebels and one dead soldier.
Colonel added that there were still some people hiding in the forest.
On Sunday, the relatives of the two officers killed sobbing because Pallbearers took their coffins to the helicopter.
The police and the military had long been accused by Thailand who was called “Deep South” heavy tactics.
Region – controlled by Thai security forces – culturally different from the majority of Thai Buddhas, who colonize the area bordering Malaysia for a century ago.
The relationship between Thailand and Key Rebel Group Barisan National Revolution, which has rebels in the field, seems to heat up in early 2020 when they meet for the first time in Kuala Lumpur.
But the military continued to attack the rebels, said Don Pathhan, a Thai-based security analyst.
“The military in the field is still trapped in a zero game approach,” he told AFP.
In July 2021, the rebels “decided it was enough and they wanted to offend,” he said, adding to the possibility of a counter attack more than both parties.

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