Sneaking democracy goes at a record level, the intergovernmental body warns – News2IN

Sneaking democracy goes at a record level, the intergovernmental body warns

Sneaking democracy goes at a record level, the intergovernmental body warns
Written by news2in

Brussels: a large number of countries slid towards authoritarianism, while the number of democracies stipulated based on threats has never been so high, the International Institute for Democracy and Election Assistance (IDE) said on Monday.
Populis politics, the use of Covid-19 pandemic restrictions to silence critics, the trend of the state to imitate the anti-democratic behavior of others, and the disinformation used to divide the public especially to blame, the organization between the Government Stockholm said in a report.
“More countries than those who suffer from ‘democratic erosion’,” said the idea of ​​2021 studies on democratic countries, relied on data compiled since 1975.
“The number of countries undergoing the ‘democratic tenderness’ is never as high as,” said, referring to regressive rounds In the area including government examination and independence of justice, as well as media freedom and human rights.
Afghanistan, which was taken over by Taliban guerrillas in August after international forces withdrew, was the most dramatic case this year, while the February 1 coup Myanmar marked the collapse of fragile democracy.
Other examples include Mali, who suffered two coups since 2020, and Tunisia, where the president has dissolved parliament and assumes emergency power.
Large democracies such as Brazil and the United States have seen the President question the validity of election results, while India has witnessed the prosecution of critical groups of government policies.
Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Serbia are European countries with the largest decline in democracy.
Turkey has seen one of the biggest decreases between 2010 and 2020.
“In fact, 70 percent of the global population now lives both in a non-democratic regime or in democratic winding countries,” said the report.
Pandemic Covid-19 has caused a surge in authoritarian behavior by the government.
The study said that there was no evidence that the authoritarian regime was better in fighting a pandemic, even though there were other Chinese media reports.
“This pandemic provides additional tools and justifications for repressive tactics and silencing differences of opinion in diverse countries such as Belarus, Cuban, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Venezuela,” the report said.

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