Social clothing climbed Ante status on SC to Nishad at Uttar Pradesh – News2IN

Social clothing climbed Ante status on SC to Nishad at Uttar Pradesh

Written by news2in

Lucknow: Reservations for Nishads can set tones for the election of the upcoming state assemblies in Uttar Pradesh where the community is at least 18% of the population and clear that the Yogi Adityanath government has not promised its promise in the last four years to provide its promise of the most important demand, SC status.
After Nishad-centric political clothes that have demanded a reservation from the BJP government, it is a combination of non-political and social organizations working to lift the Nishad community in the state, Sarvadaliya Nishad-Kashayap Union, which has improved support.
The union expanded logic is that the political clothing is involved in selfish motives and may submit the cause in lieu of seats to compete for the election but non-political clothing will be committed to the cause and will not have internal disputes.
Trade unions are supported by political parties who enjoy Nishad’s support and represent communities such as Rashtriya Mahaan Gadtantra Party, Phoolan Sena, Party Navlok, Nishad Army, Rashtriya Eklavya Sena and Bhartiya Manav Party and non-political and social organizations working among Nishads in Various districts.
In addition, many political parties supported us secretly, said founder of Union, Kunwar Singh Nishad.
“There are also Nishad leaders on other parties who cannot come out in the open to support but they are behind us giving us financial support and others,” he added.
At present, the trade union takes ‘Padusyatra’ through the country, to shed the message “Aarakshan Nahi to Select Nahin”, until the last strata of the community and also received support from the public and uniting them.
March was launched from Mathura on July 11 and will run for three months to move through each district.
“We covered Mathura, Agra, Ferozabad, Etawah, Kanpur Dehat to this day.
It’s like one district a day.
We already have our workers in each district, most of the social workers are involved with the community.
It’s like making people aware of Aarakshan Nahin after all.
Nahin, “said Kunwar Singh Nishad, former Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha Office-Bearer who came out of the party on June 28 to Cobble Up the Union.
Even though the time of the Formation of States can ask questions about the aim, namely to fight for the rights of Nishad without political mileage, the leader said that Nishads waited for four and a half years to give the Yogi government to appoint after the community thought of going out on the streets to showcase their strength , “We immediately told them (BJP) to find support from our community but give us a reservation.
Giving a reservation to Nishad is part of the BJP selection manifesto.
We have the power to drop the government,” said the union leader added it.
March is a silent way to protest that the community has chosen at this point.
Nishad represents a community that has ever developed rapidly in water resources.
Their kings ruled along the river and people worked as a boatman, reservoirs, farmers, fishermen and miners.
However, the community, for a period of time, becomes socially and economically retarded.
Communities are used to choose varying political parties that serve special caste.
Being a non-yadav OBC, Nishads did not match the strategy of these political parties to their own political clothing appeared and they became a consolidated, strong votebase and negotiating entities.
Above, there are 153 sub-kastes nishads (national number 570).
Some sub-casttings are in the OBC list, some tribes are recognized and some in the SC list.
The community demands a certificate of SC under the four generic caste of Majhwar, Gond, Shilpkaar and Turaha.
After Britain said the `criminal ‘community under criminal tribal law, 1871, people took different family names to hide their identity and that was the way the sub-castes appeared.
The community, however, was declared a denotification tribe in 1952.
“Many assumes family names such as Verma, Sahni, Kashyap, binding to eliminate inferiority because the community is always seen as low because of underdeveloped education and social,” said Kunwar Singh Nishad.
In the 1961 Indian census, Nishad looked at SCS.
The government rose down on August 29, 1977, had a sub-kastes and generic caste of the Nishad community included in the 66 Scheduled caste list.
Efforts by various governments to include generic caste Nishads in the SC list have been going on since 2004 but orders are challenged in court.
Nishad will get the benefits that are only included by Dalit in the SC list.

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