Social clothing opposes the Govt Odisha beach plan in Puri – News2IN

Social clothing opposes the Govt Odisha beach plan in Puri

Social clothing opposes the Govt Odisha beach plan in Puri
Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: The state’s plan to launch a beach hut on six beaches in Odisha, including several in Puri for Woo tourists, has encountered dental problems with many social clothing and Shankaracharaya, Swami Nischalanda Saraswati, demanding this project canceled in the castle.
They say the government’s plan to increase tourism by presenting liquor to tourists in the proposed beach hut will damage the spiritual significance of Puri, which is home to the famous Jagannath Temple, and injuring religious sentiments.
Representatives from at least 25 Puri’s socio-cultural organizations met Samarth Verma District collector on Thursday and gave him a memorandum, demanding the cancellation of the shack beach concept in Puri.
However, they have no problems with the project on the beach outside the castle.
“Puri is the land of God Jagannath.
Jagannath is also known as Daru Brahma or the main soul is immortalized in wood.
Lord Brahma comes floating in Mahodadhi (sea) in Puri in the form of Daru (log) (Jagannath).
The worshipers took holy sauce here to achieve salvation.
The promotion of beach shacks with liquor, meat, and dance will lead to the degradation of our culture, “said Kailash Tikayatray, a writer and intellectual based in Puri.
“The government must review his decision,” The Shankaracharya said.
District collectors said he would attract the government’s attention to the demands of local organizations.
“We will discuss with the government about this problem and will take the final decision.
We will not take any steps that will have a negative impact on our heritage,” Verma said.
The Odisha Tourism Development Corporation (OTDC) recently floated the tender for the operation of the beach hut on six beaches.
According to the plan, three huts will appear in front of Talsari-Udaypur Beach in Balalasore District, three huts at Parupip Sea Beach in the Jagatsinghpur District, five huts at Puri-Konark Marine Drive Beach in the District of Puri, two huts on the Chandipur Beach in Balalasore District, Two huts in Sonapur starch at Ganjam and six huts on the Gopalpur Sea coast in the Ganjam district.
For tourism promotions, the portion of liquor in the beach hut is permitted under state-2021 excise policy.
“Our goal is not to demean our rich inheritance and culture.
Various categories of visitors, including foreigners come to the castle.
Tourists come to the castle for pilgrimage, achieve spiritual happiness and on vacation with family.
Just like our retreat event on some beaches is a big hit.
, beach huts will give tourists a refreshing atmosphere coupled with music, seafood, and liquor, “said a tourism official.
Fear backlash of locals, many travelers also don’t want huts with liquor services at Puri Beach.
“Beach huts will definitely attract tourists.
But to honor the demands of the locals, we want the hut to appear on the outskirts of the castle or near Konark,” Secretary, the Association of Hotel Puri, said Patra Raj Kishore.

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