Special strength form for court, judge: board bar – News2IN
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Special strength form for court, judge: board bar

Special strength form for court, judge: board bar
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Referring to the murder of a judge in Jharkhand and evil often committed in a court place throughout the country and clashes between lawyers and police, Indian Bar Board, the Peak Legal Entity to regulate the bar, has begged the Supreme Court that special security forces are formed below Full judiciary to provide protection to judges and situations instead of relies on the police.
Support pills that are sought for special security forces for justice created in the line of train protection troops, BCI has opposed the Central Stan that special units in police forces are given assignments and says that the judicial must form a separate power under control and should not depend on the government and Police for this purpose.
In a written statement submitted at the APEX court, BCI said that Article 146 of the Constitution provided a lot of space for the Supreme Court to designate and regulate special security forces under the control and supervision of justice and not executives.
“It is a humble suggestion of the Indian Bar Board which should be a special security force for the safety and security of the judges, presenting officers, advocates, court officials, visitors / visitors, witnesses and court places to improve Judicial security,” he said.
BCI submitted his Affidavit responded pills submitted by the Mahalik Karunakar through Advocate Durga Dutt in 2019 considering that many incidents of violence in the court where the court included clashes between police and lawyers in the Tis Hazari Court in Delhi and penetrated the chairman of the First Female from the Desttar Pradesh at the Agra Court .
After Judge Jharkhand was killed, the APEX court took Suo Motu’s awareness and also accelerated the trial on the pill and asked for responses from all countries.
BCI in its response also shows that parliamentary security is being handled by parliamentary security services and on the security of the same line as the court where the court and judges are handled by each court.
“There is already a special security system in the Indian Parliament and Sabha’s Sabha’s Parliamentary security services and the Secretariat of Lok Sabha treating security in the Parliament’s house complex.
In the same line there are judicial security services established in Supreme Court, High Court and Subordinate Court,” he said.
“In several times there were many incidents of mishappenings / violent crimes in court and the court where the court endangered the contents of the jury / lawyers / Public Litigants and court officials were there and stakeholders had the right to sufficient security in court and premise, looking for uniform guidelines for steps -The security in all courts throughout the country, “said BCI.
It was said that the requirements of the Special Security System for the Court had become very important because there had been clashes between police and lawyers such as the Tis Hazari court after Delhi police officials threatened to take back security in various situations and to distance themselves from the security of the judge.
“The current trend increases and there are conflicts of interest regarding the security and safety of the court because there are many examples where security institutions do not cooperate with the court in the actual sense,” he said.

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