Mumbai: Relieving more than 400 Spicejet employees who ended from services, RV Justice Ghuge from the High Court directors airlines in the temporary order that is not deployed by employees or new contractual personnel by any agent until February 8, Spicejet.
It has been asked to submit a list of all employees on February 5 which is so appointed with a fixed term contract base for the past 2-10 years so that the work will be given to them based on seniority and, in any case, without hiring contract workers in their place.
The airline earlier this month challenged the industrial court.
HC heard advocate Mahesh Shukla for Spicejet and advocate for Jaiprakash Sawant for all Indian Spicejet staff and employee associations for “long enough”, according to orders.
The association submitted that workers were stopped from January 1 despite the status quo order passed by the Central Government Industry Court, Mumbai on December 29.
Airline management said the worker was on a fixed-term contract and they had not ended but they had not ended but they had not ended but they have not been stopped but they have not ended but they have not ended but they have not ended but they have not ended but they have not ended but they have not ended but they haven’t ended but they haven’t ended but they haven’t ended but they haven’t been stopped but they haven’t ended but they haven’t ended but they haven’t ended but they haven’t ended but they haven’t ended but they haven’t ended but they haven’t stopped but they haven’t ended but They have not been stopped but they have not been stopped but they have not been stopped but their terms.
work ends.
However, Judge Ghuge made him clear in the order that, “As far as the management dispute that Section2 (OO) (BB) of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 will apply to this case of this worker, I am afraid when this worker has worked, even though on the service contract, For 24-month work period under each contract, for about 8-9 years, part 2 (OO) (BB) will not have an application.
“The section says the termination of employment on non-update work agreements when expiration will not be Considered as ‘savings’.
Workers said they were appointed by Spicejet on a fixed-term contract at first but was given an extension for years and had to be continued and no contract workers were employed in their place.
HC posted an airline petition for hearing urgently on February 8 and said “until further orders, trade unions will not trigger problems by submitting any application for the implementation of the temporary command that is revealed”.
It also directs the company that the status quo “is maintained as there is now and no new contractual employees or personnel deployed by any agency”.