Sri-la-Sri Harihara is anointed by Pyniff Madurai Adhielam – News2IN

Sri-la-Sri Harihara is anointed by Pyniff Madurai Adhielam

Madurai: Sri-la-Sri Harihara Sri Gnanasambanda Desika Swamigal, 67, anointed as the 293rd pontist from Madurai Adheenam at a ceremony at Mutt on Monday.
Anintintent took place 10 days after Arunagirinatha Gnanasambantha Desika Paramacharya, who was the 292th pontist, died.
Arunagirinatha died on August 13.
There was controversy over succession when Godman Nithyananda Beron risked the claim.
Mahasanhanam Teacher Kailai Masilamani Desika Paramacharya Swamigal, Head of 27 Dharumai Adhielam, stated that Junior Pyniff Harihara Sri Gnanasambanda Desika Swamigal, who was appointed by Arunagirinatha on June 6, 2019, as a replacement, will be the 293rd ponsiff.
The official accusation taking was postponed until the end of the 10th ceremony for the deceased pontiff.
Puja teachers are carried out on Monday morning.
Then the 293th pontist was anointed through a series of rituals.
This was done before the 27th head of Dharumai Adheemam and another Mutt head.
Many Mutt Heads include Kundakudi, ThirhireThal, Siruvai, South Zone Kancheepuram and Adheeenams Porur Participating in the ceremony.
Commissioner with the Temple of Sri Meenakshi Sundareswarar K Chelladurai, HR and CE officials, were also present.
The public stands in a long queue and looks for blessings from new Adheenam.
After assuming costs, Adheenam just signed six files that included files to revive the kattalai, the ritual that had been suspended.
He announced that Nithya and Maheswarar Pujas will also be carried out in Mutt and free food (Annadhanams) will be provided by Mutt and in four temples that come below.
Adheenam just offered worship at Sri Meenakshi temple and then went procession at night.
Madurai Adheenam was said to have been established by SAIVITE SAINT ThirnanasBandar 3,500 years ago.

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