SSP, SPS was told to look for DSP rape – News2IN

SSP, SPS was told to look for DSP rape

SSP, SPS was told to look for DSP rape
Written by news2in

Patna: The Department of Crime Investigation (CID) – a weaker part – has directed all senior supervisors and police supervisors – SSP and SPS – in all districts throughout the Bihar to look out for deputy deputy inspectors and capture of Kamotan DPS.
Kamlakant Prasad, who was accused of raping a little girl Dalit, continuously avoiding catching.
Read Alsorape was accused of DSP not yet present: more than a month on, DSP Kamlishant Senior Prasad, who was charged with raping a little girl, still dodging.
FIR against Prasad is registered at the Women’s Police Station in Style on May 27 this year.
Source Cid (weak) said Prasad changed the sources of police headquarters, said that the letter was issued by the CID (weaker part) Anil Kishore Yadav to all SP and SSP directed them to take action to capture the DSP accused.
In addition, the direction has been given to Buxar SP to form a special team to raids due to capturing DSP.
Read many mounts for rape accused of DspPatna: the problem continues to be installed for senior DSP diskens Kamlakant Prasad, accused of raping a little girl in his official residence, because Cid (a weaker part) has reopened his case for allegedly torturing and attacked his wife Anand Tanuja.
The source said Cid had found that “direction was issued on Tuesday night.
In addition, Patna and the SSP style have been directed to strengthen the existing team and make it active to raids to capture DSP,” said a senior official who chose anonymity.
Read Alsobihar: Cid moves to attach rape accusing DSP properties because he continues to avoid the pilgrimage after more than a month, DSP Kamlakant Prasad continued to avoid arrest for allegedly raping a little girl registered at the Women’s Police Station in May 27 this year.
In addition to issuing directions to SPS and SSP, CID is now looking for information about Prasad from ordinary people.
Cid, through the head office, publishing advertisements in all major regional vernacular on Wednesday urged people to advance and inform if they have information about DSPs accused of who the proclamation notice has been issued by the court.
DSP continues to avoid catching after the ancient assurance petition was rejected by the special protection of children from the Sexual Court (Pocso) in style in 5.
Courts (Pocso) will take another problem on September 4 when CID is expected to urge to order attaching DSP properties accused.
Prasad allegedly raped a dalit girl in his official residence in style during Dussehra 2017.
The girl was an underage child.
The incident was brought into the light before Cid by his wife Anand Tanuja this year after that FIR was registered at the female police station in style on May 27.
Sumber Cid said DSP’s last location in his home village Chandrapura in the Bramhapur area.
from Buxar on August 12 after that Raid was done there.
“However, he cannot be found.
Prasad uses a SIM card issued on behalf of relatives and continues to change the location,” they said.
His two brothers were arrested instead accused of torturing and attacking DSP’s wife.
Some DSP family members also avoided when they were accused of firs with the Rupaspur police station registered on February 10 last year by his wife, the source added.

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