Stand-up Comedian Gujarat won a trademark suit – News2IN

Stand-up Comedian Gujarat won a trademark suit

Stand-up Comedian Gujarat won a trademark suit
Written by news2in

Vadodara: Stand-up comedian from Gujarat shows national television channels why fun and funny is completely different.
Manan Desai, who performed with the name ‘The Comedy Factory’ and had entertained the audience for more than a decade, won the trademark kasing that he entered in the Bombay High Court against the channel and performance manufacturer who used the same name for their comedy shows will come.
The first thirty-three-year-old desai first sent legal notice to the channel in June after he learned that they would launch the ‘The Comedy Factory’ show.
“I contacted the program producer and told them about the similarity between me and the name of their comedy shows.
I asked him to change the name of their show.
But the channel continued to promote their performances with the same name on social media,” Desai, a resident of Vadodara, said.
“So, I filed a lawsuit in the Bombay High Court which stated that they could not use the title ‘The Comedy Factory’ because I have a name listed under the Trademark Law.
While it violates the law to use the same title or name, that Even creating confusion in the minds of the audience, “Desai told Toi.
He further said that he had appeared under the head of Comedy Factory since 2011.
Advocate Yash Suryawala, an expert in intellectual property (IPR) that issued legal notice, stated that the channel uses a comedy factory name to utilize Goodwill related to the title of Desai.
“They first agreed to change the name and prefix of the name of their channel in the title.
But we objected and said that they could not use the names of comedy factories at all,” Desai, who jointly set up a comedy factory with Vidya Desai, added.
“We have two hearings about a trademark lawsuit in court.
The defendants agreed to change the name of their coming show fully after the High Court asked them on Tuesday to submit a written statement that they would not use the comedy factory title now or even in the future , “said Ayush Agarwala, advocate who represents the desire in the Bombay High Court.
“The court also imposed Rs 2 lakh as a litigation fee that the defendant had to pay the Plaintiff and the lawsuit had been thrown away,” said Agarwala.

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