Status instructions on the train ‘carrying’ mining minerals illegally – News2IN

Status instructions on the train ‘carrying’ mining minerals illegally

Written by news2in

Dumka: Deputy Director of Santhal Pargana Division Mine (DDM), Venkatesh Prasad Singh, has asked the train to provide information about the details of the train that has transported minerals from here to various parts of the country in the last three years in three years.
This step came after the report that the mining minerals were illegally transported by the train during the period, causing loss of large income to Jharkhand.
Speaking with TOI on Friday Singh, “it arrived at our notification that the stone chip mined illegally was transported to places far from various side of the train located in Santhal Pargana.
This hinting Convivance between suppliers and train officials.
This results in a very large income loss in the state.
“He stressed that lost income would be realized after train officials handed over the details sought from them.
On October 25, Singh wrote to District Mining Officers (DMO) and reminded them to take part in a series of instructions issued earlier this year.
Directions are focused on restrictions on illegal mining from coal excavations and their stone and transportation.
Previous directives were issued for DMOS in July.
“This is because of your involvement that the state causes large income losses because of violations of rampant mining and transportation regulations,” Singh wrote in his letter to the train.
He also directed DMOS to start legal steps to collect financial penalties from violators after conducting the measurement of the mining unit and lodging section on those who operate such illegal stone mines.

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