Steroids need dosage regulation and duration: experts – News2IN

Steroids need dosage regulation and duration: experts

Steroids need dosage regulation and duration: experts
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Experts in Covid medicine and administration of drugs have suggested the use of very wise steroids that prove life savings and cause serious complications.
Senior faculty members of medical institutions and well-known medical practitioners emphasize the dosage and duration of steroids and use drugs such as dexamethasone and metlyprednisolone according to time and situation.
Experts believe that the alleged publicly managed steroid therapy has triggered a kind of ‘mini pandemic’ in the form of fungal infections such as mukormycosis that claim life and cause serious side effects such as loss of vision etc.
Endophthalismitis endoging has also reached a possibility of steroid side effects after the police restored Covid ended life due to illness.
Professor and Head of Department of Medicine, AIIMS, Nagpur, Dr.
Prashant Joshi said that steroids save lives when covid-19 hypoxic patients.
“If someone maintains a 94% spo2 and above in the air room, it doesn’t need steroids.
This is only given when the SPO2 is 93% or less,” said Dr.
Joshi further said that in diabetic patients, steroids can shoot blood sugar levels which are the main causes of mukormycosis.
“Proper blood sugar control is very important,” said Dr.
Joshi who was also an epidemiologist.
“Clinical trials show that steroids are not needed For more than 10 days, “he said.
Kamal Bhutada, ICU Director at a private hospital and the Chairman of the Indian community for critical Medicine Care, Nagpur Chapter, said that he had used Dexamethasone in the second wave while Methylprednisolone in the first wave.
“There is a study that supports the use and administration of the dexamethasone with a dose in accordance with the guideline of 6 mg per day for 10 days,” he said adding that excessive use of steroids could trigger fungal infections such as mukormycosis and Candida, as well as secondary drug resistant bacteria infections, fluid retention in the body , muscle and bone weakness too.
He said that patients who needed a hospital zation with spo2 saturation fell below 94% needed steroids.
Professor and Head of Medicine, Government Medical College and Hospital, Dr.
Prashant Patil said that the guidelines for the State and Health Department must be followed but we need customized care and adjusted for each patient.
“However, steroid administration is not recommended for more than five to 10 days,” he said.
Doctor Dr.
Rajesh Atal said that giving steroids in seven days infection when a high viral load in the viremia phase can cause disasters.
“Steroids must be introduced when Immuno’s response is excessive.
This is immunosupressrant and therefore must be used in moderate quantities and short duration only to plug in the crisis,” he said.
Internal Medical Specialist Dr.
Nitin Wadaskar, related to Alexis Multispecialty Hospital, said that the abuse or use of steroids caused opportunist pathogens to strike and secondary infections increased during the second wave.
“If the C-reactive (CRP) protein is found to be lifted and the CT score is also on the higher side, only then.
Steroids can be introduced moderately,” said Dr.
Wadaskar added that many patients had planted steroids depending on even after exiting.

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