STF Seal House of Drug Smuggler in Bengal Dist – News2IN

STF Seal House of Drug Smuggler in Bengal Dist

Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: Special Task Force (STF) The branch of the state crime has sealed a brown sugar dealer, Sheikh then in the Nadia District of West Bengal.
STF, who captured last from West Bengal on January 8, said he had built a house with money obtained from narcotics trade.
“The cost of the house will be more than Rs 1 Crore.
Then it is still in Jadician custody.
His family member, who lives at home, has been served with a seizure notice.
They were asked not to sell the house.
We tried to find a moving and other mobile assets,” said Deputy General STF General J N Pankaj said.
STF said he would also take legal steps to seal the house of a brother and then, who was also a drug smuggler.
“The two brothers have smuggled brown sugar from West Bengal to Odisha via Balasore.
Then desired by STF in drug trafficking cases.
In October last year, we had taken about 1 kg of brown sugar from the operator, which took us to the past,” said the STF officer other.
After the current asset seizures, the proposal will be sent to competent authorities under drugs and psychotropic substances (NDPS) acting in Kolkata to confiscate properties.
Under Chapter V-A of the NDPS Law (A-Z) there is a provision of foreclosure and foreclosure of property that is not owned by an accuser involved in the NDPS case.
Under the NDPS law, any country police have the power to close the assets of drug smugglers located in other countries.
During the arrest, the police may or may not carry the help of the local police for joint operations, but for seizures, no need to take the help of the local police.
STF did not leak the names of contact and then in Odisha because they had not done it had been arrested.
The source said the task force was looking for a few helper nearby in West Bengal.
“We have registered the name Sheikh Mursalim, Sheikh Kalu, Sheikh You and the Mandal beltu, all the residents of Nadia District.
The effort was to arrest them with the help of West Bengal police,” said an STF officer.

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