Stir health workers threaten to foil the Covid-19 vaccination drive on Jharkhand – News2IN

Stir health workers threaten to foil the Covid-19 vaccination drive on Jharkhand

Stir health workers threaten to foil the Covid-19 vaccination drive on Jharkhand
Written by news2in

Ranchi: The Jharkhand Government’s efforts to increase the number of Covid-19 vaccinations throughout the country can achieve obstacles in the coming days with sustainable protests from contractual health workers employed with state health missions to spread to the district.
Active Covid 19 cases in Jharkhand stood at 125 on Monday night.
Of the total, Ranchi reported 11 new cases.
Ranchi also has a number of active cases (76) followed by Singhbhum Timur (20).
Bhuvnesh Pratap Singh, Director of Mission Temporary State Health Mission, said, “Most of the demands of contract employees have been agreed upon.
We hope that they will continue to work as usual.” Jharkhand Health Employee Welfare Association (Jhewa), Umbrella Clothing Thousands of Contracting Health Officers worked at 24 Countries, on Tuesday appealed to its members to join unlimited strikes to protest the termination of their colleagues before Durga Puja.
A letter, which was signed under the Secretary of Jhewa Sanjay Kumar, was issued after a meeting of his office in Ranchi on Tuesday afternoon.
In the letter, Jhewa asked all contractual employees of his affiliated state mission and general nurse midwives to boycott working without time limit to further intimacy.
There are around 8,000 contractual health workers throughout the state.
Besides Covid 19 vaccination, they are responsible for health programs such as routine immunization, ongoing child immunization programs.
Contractual Health Officers, including data entry operators, nurses, and versatile health workers are at the forefront of drive vaccination department of state health in rural and urban areas.
“Our protest will continue against the cessation of our violation of the law in the head office, district and block.
We will continue to stir until they are restored.
Regardless, we also demand regularization,” Kumar said.
Jhewa also demanded that the health department give to contractual health workers on holidays issued and restore weekly holidays.
Acting Director of the State Health Mission Bhuvnesh Pratap Singh did not respond to Ti’s call when contacted.
The Covid-19 vaccination drive has slowed in Jharkhand for the past week.
On Monday, only 36,390 beneficiaries received their first dose while 48,607 people received their second dose, which was only 2% of the total target receiver.
Adung comes at more than 12 beneficiaries of the lakh throughout the country have waited for their second dose in Covid-19 to support outside the 84 period of mandatory days.

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