Strike by the owner of the Powerloom unit entered the second day – News2IN

Strike by the owner of the Powerloom unit entered the second day

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: The Powerloom unit owner managed to work for the second consecutive day on Monday in the District of Tirupur and Coimbatore demanding a rise in the Tirupur district wages.
Work units accept orders from Master Weavers, which pay units to weave and deliver products according to the specifications provided by them.
Representatives from weavers said that the wage was revised last in 2014.
Instead of hiking wages every three years, they reduced as quoting various problems including Covid.
However, for the Powerloom unit, the cost of input and maintenance expenditure has been shooting over the past few years 2021.
The Master Weaver agrees to climb a wage of 20%, but they do not apply Revisi.C palaniswamy, President Coimbatore and Tirupur work work Powerloom Association, said they have Looking for a 60% wage increase in 2014.

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