Student Entrepreneurship Policy Approved by the IIT-K Academic Senate – News2IN

Student Entrepreneurship Policy Approved by the IIT-K Academic Senate

Written by news2in

Times News Network Kanpur: India-Kanpur Institute of Technology, on Thursday, announced that his academic senate has agreed to a comprehensive entrepreneurial policy that recognizes the importance of encouraging entrepreneurial innovation and enthusiasm in line with national education policies (NEP) and national innovation and start-up policy (NISP).
The policy introduced the concept of ‘innovation and entrepreneurial credit’ and allows undergraduate students in the third year and graduate students immediately after completing the minimum work to obtain academic credit when pursuing entrepreneurial activities.
Students can also take advantage of semester leave to pursue their ideas using facilities both inside and outside the campus.
IIT-Kanpur has been at the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship of the largest ecosystem housing in the Asian region consisting of 11 incubators, 5 sophisticated prototypes, and playing laboratories and garden science and advanced technology, supports more than 100 start-ups and has graduated More than 50 start-ups include several unicorns.
Director, Professor Iit-K Abhay Karandikar said, “The challenge of the modern industry requires students to evolve from passive students to the Creator and Innovator.
It requires a university to be a place where entrepreneurship is fostered in young people, where creative ideas trigger can Causing future innovation, contributing to realizing the potential for innovation and entrepreneurship in India.
“Many recommendations from national innovation and beginner policies for students and 2019 faculties already exist and actively operate at IIT Kanpur.
The Institute also has an entrepreneurial policy of the Faculty in which the Faculty of the Faculty of the Institute can start a company while continuing as a regular employee at the Institute.
“Strong student entrepreneurship policies will enable our students to compensate for the rapidly growing world demands.
We are one of the first Central Funded Technical Institutes to frame a comprehensive policy”, said Prof.

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