Students must be critically learn all the text, said Thiruvanathapuram MP Shashi Tharoor – News2IN

Students must be critically learn all the text, said Thiruvanathapuram MP Shashi Tharoor

Students must be critically learn all the text, said Thiruvanathapuram MP Shashi Tharoor
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: MP Shashi Tharoor has said as an academic that he will support including the Texts of RSS ideologues V d Savarkar and M Golwalkar because students must grow critically all of these ideologies and concepts.
“It doesn’t read them Golwalkar in the Syllabus of the University of Kannur.
“The faculty can ensure that the work of RSS leaders is not glorified when teaching them.
The teachers also have responsibility.
Some friends do not approve my stand that academic freedom requires us to read, understand, and debate every point of view, including what we did not agree.
If We do not read Savarkar and Golwalkar, on what basis we will oppose their ideas, “” he said, adding that the University of Kannur also taught Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore.
“We cannot ban books from the university.
Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru’s works are also part of the syllabus.
It would be wrong if students were taught only RSS books, “he added.
The Governor Arif Mohammed Khan has also echoed a similar view in controversy and supporting the inclusion of Savarkar and Golwarkar books in the syllabus.” There should be opportunities for children to study different ideologies.
” The governor, who is also the University Chancellor, said.
“The beauty of Indian culture is its diversity.
Students must have every opportunity to learn and understand all concepts and ideologies.
This is only beneficial for students in developing their knowledge and skills.
This will help students improve the process of thinking of those who can help in contributing to the development of the country.
This is a recognized fact in society, “the Governor said.

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