Study investigates digital teaching as an opportunity – News2IN

Study investigates digital teaching as an opportunity

Study investigates digital teaching as an opportunity
Written by news2in

Berlin: In the last two years, because the covid-19 pandemic and related locking, lecturers must change and redesign their teaching methods in a short time.
Poor internet connection, difficulties in technical implementation and lack of personal exchanges make the transfer of knowledge and teaching content more difficult.
Safe! You have managed to throw your voteogin to see participants, a new study has found that digital teaching also brings unexpected advantages and opportunities.
The findings of this study were published in the journal ‘psychologische rundschau’.
In this study, Dr.
Anne Gartner from Technische Universitat Dresden explained that digital teaching offered students and new lecturers, unprecedented opportunities and brought a form of teaching that was fully updated and learning to live: “On the one hand, flexibility in terms of certain times and Space in work organizations is one of the biggest advantages of digital teaching, because it is not only time but also costs can be stored, for example, by eliminating the journey.
Lecturers have greater autonomy and can decide for themselves to manage their time and regulate their seminars and studies.
In addition, recorded teaching materials can be reused.

Students feel the same: digital teaching allows them to learn at their own personal speed and repeat recorded lectures as often as needed.
However, “the format of the teaching and digital face to face should not be played by each other.
Digital teaching must be seen as a complementary means to further improve the quality of teaching, and the importance of facial-to-face teaching should not be forgotten,” said Dr.
Because even if online learning brings more advantages than expected, lack of contact between lecturers and students leaves many gaps that cannot be “filled” online.
One clear loss, for example, is a stable internet connection requirement and required technical equipment.
Because the digital teaching and technical implementation still has not been mapped by many regions, therefore there is an increase in workload, especially in the early days.
In addition, one of the main losses is undoubtedly the difficulty remaining discipline, focused, and motivated in front of someone’s own computer during the old period.
For students, in particular, this requires more self-discipline and organizations than in face-to-face courses.
For Dr.
Gartner personally, the biggest loss is not knowing whether he can really reach his students in the online course: “However, it turned out that my online seminar and lecture had been very well attended so far, and interactions and exchanges were possible.
Although in a rather different form.
and those who succeeded – my digital seminar was even awarded a teaching gift, which I really liked – I still hope that I will soon be able to discuss many things with students with students together once again in the seminar room and experiments Interesting in the lab, “explained psychologists.
Gartner also believes that the Blended Learning (combining classrooms and digital teaching) can be a promising method for teaching and learning in the future.
In facial leveling teaching, for example, focus can be placed more on interactions and exchanges, while in the form of digital teaching and learning, material can be done individually.
In the future, more and more people will want to learn and teach online, because everyone now has the opportunity to continue their education anytime and anywhere – both on the road, in the waiting room, on the train or at home.

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