Submission of e-tenders for Delhi’s new excise policy ends – News2IN

Submission of e-tenders for Delhi’s new excise policy ends

Submission of e-tenders for Delhi's new excise policy ends
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The process of sending e-bid for new excise policies from the Delhi government ended on Tuesday, because it was scheduled between 12 to 20 July.
Officials at the Delhi Excise Ministry said the tender process would be completed tonight.
After submitting the E-BIDS is complete, the technical evaluation process of all bidders must begin and then the financial offer will be announced, a senior official tells ians.
Reply to whether the department has improved the date to implement new excise policies, said the official, “This is in the process.
We will come to conclusions about it only after the bid is submitted, and technical evaluation and financial offers.” New Delhi Excise Policy The Government 2021-22 has recommended a price-oriented criteria and outstation for registration of various liquor brands in the national capital to promote start-up.
The policy has also shared almost all types of liquor – rum, whiskey, beer, vodka, wine – into different categories that will depend on certain brand prices and sales figures outside the national capital.
Under the new policy, the Excise Ministry has divided into five categories depending on their prices, according to him, for brands at RS 401 prices or above quarters, no selling figures (outside Delhi).
However, the policy said that the international whiskey brand was highly distributed in India and at retail prices to 600 per quarter (200 ml), it must be registered only if it has sold more than 5 lakh cases throughout the world, in one of the two previous finance.
year, namely 2019-20 or 2020-21.
The economy brand with retail prices to RS 140 per Quart, will be allowed to registration in Delhi only if the brand has sold a minimum of 80,000 cases in one of the two years of previous finances, namely, 39-20-21, not including Delhi.
Brands with retail prices between Rs 141 and Rs 2,501 per liter, will be allowed registration in the Delhi National Capital Region only if these brands have sold a minimum of 1,20,000 cases throughout India, including Delhi, in one of the previous two years, policy documents are stated.
It is also said that brands with retail prices between Rs 251 and Rs 400 per liter must be allowed to registration only if they have sold a minimum of 60,000 cases throughout India.
Similarly, Rum brands with retail prices to RS 120 per quart will be registered only if 50,000 cases have been sold throughout the country, including Delhi in 2019-2020 or 2020-2021.
It is said that the brand will also be eligible for registration, if the minimum need for the case above is sold at all times during the book 2021-22.
The beer brand has been categorized based on alcohol content and MRP to RS 100 per bottle.
They will be registered only if you have sold 3.50,000 bottles throughout India, including Delhi-NCR in the financial year, 2019-2020 or 2020-2021.
The Excise Ministry has been busy placing things in the process, on the other hand some petitions have been submitted in Delhi High Court which challenges e-tender notification from the Delhi government.

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