Sugar Expert Institute developed an automation system for sugar mills – News2IN

Sugar Expert Institute developed an automation system for sugar mills

Written by news2in

Kanpur: In the pursuit of developing indigenous technology, customary experts, national sugar institutions, Kanpur has developed an automation system to control water requirements for the vacuum system condenser.
In the juice of sugar mills and other sugar liquor boiled under vacuum, allowing low-temperature boiling to minimize the development of color and loss of sugar.
By doing that, instead of doing boiled at 103-105 degrees Celsius, boiling is done at 55-60 degrees Celsius.
In conventional condensers, vacuum was created by injecting cold water to describe water vapor and air extract.
In general, the amount of water for these purposes is not regulated according to the steam load and therefore even in the state when the lower number of steam must be condensed, the quantity of water remains the same, said Director NSI, Professor Narendra Mohan.
He said that in the system developed under the supervision of senior instrumentation engineers, Virendra Kumar and installed in the experimental sugar factory of the institution, the quantity of injection water controlled by vacuum sensing, water temperature outlet, injection water temperature.
The trial confirms lower water requirements and thus reduces power consumption of around 25%.
“Even though there are several systems available for that purpose but we want to develop a low-cost and sturdy system that is also a user friendly.
Installed in an experimental sugar factory will provide broader exposure to students about innovative techniques used to reduce energy needs in the sugar industry” , said Professor Mohan.
At 5,000 TCD sugar factories (tons of sticks per day), system adoption such as variable frequency drive on the pump can result in savings of 4,000 units of power per day, he added.

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