Suicide students rose 11% in Maharashtra in 2020 – News2IN

Suicide students rose 11% in Maharashtra in 2020

Suicide students rose 11% in Maharashtra in 2020
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Stay with suicide trends among students who increased in 2020, Maharashtra also saw the uptick in the number of 2019.
The state has a note that doubts to register suicide among students.
The latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report shows that 1,648 students in Maharashtra died of suicide in 2020.
Odisha (1,469), Madhya Pradesh (1,158) and Tamil Nadu (930) are other countries with suicide.
Although many believe that Covid-hit 2020 is relatively easier on academic fronts because the examination is canceled or restricted, more students than previously ending their lives in the state.
Tally 2020 of 1,648 is higher (11%) from previous years: 1,487 in 2019, 1,448 in 2018, 1,437 in 2017 and 1,350 in 2016.
National calculation of death by suicide among 12%, around 21% higher toll 2019 10,335.
“Among all Indian countries, Maharashtra always enrolled the highest suicide among students because it was a ‘metropolitan state’ with high aspiration and high expectations,” Shetty’s daily psychiatrist said.
A general hospital doctor said the number was higher than in other states because of better reporting in the public health system.
Psychiatrist Kersie Chavda believes that the biggest cause for suicide in any age group continues to experience depression.
“Some students struggle to overcome them,” he said, adding that the pandemic worsened the pitch for many people.
“In the past two years, because of the strong effects of Covid on the economy, many people with life are mostly balanced ending with unbalanced lives.
People develop relationship problems, economic difficulties, and students also have anxiety over education or entrance tickets in the future Home, “he said.
For unintentional deaths and suicide reports, NCRB compiled data under the head of the cause, such as “bankruptcy or debt”, “marriage problems”, “failure in the exam”, and so on.
Maharashtra again occupied the category of “failure in the test” in 2020.
All countries, there was a 25% decline in death because of suicide because of “failure in the exam” – from 2,744 in 2019 to 2,080 in 207.
In Maharashtra, also, 287 .
Students commit suicide for that reason compared to 439 in 2019 and 390 in 2018.
Experts explain that research is not the only reason for students to take their lives.
“Indians do not want to discuss care as a problem.
But by 2020, many young people have a terrible time because they are locked up at home with parents who have different ideologies,” said Psychologist Vargha Chulani.
Young children not only have to deal with interpersonal disputes, but also some harsh economic developments.
Lack of access to a mental health support system, especially in non-metro areas, often deteriorating emotional turmoil among young people, Shetty added.

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