Sunana Pushkar Death Case: Delhi Clears Shashi Tharoor Court of All Allegations – News2IN

Sunana Pushkar Death Case: Delhi Clears Shashi Tharoor Court of All Allegations

New Delhi: The Delhi Court on Wednesday gave rise to the Shashi Tharoor Congress leader from all charges in relation to Sunana Pushkar Death Case.
Pushkar was found dead in a luxury hotel suite in the city on the night of January 17, 2014.
Shashi Tharoor, Sunana Pushkar’s husband is the main accusation in this problem according to Delhi police.
Special Judge Goelanjali Goel passed the order in a virtual audience.
Tharoor thanked the judge, and said it was “absolute torture for the past seven and a half years” and it was a “big relief”.
Tharoor, the former Minister of Union is currently guaranteed in this case.
He was pulled by Delhi police underneath 498-a (husband or relative of a woman who lowered him for atrocities) and 306 (suicide reduction) from the Indian KUHP (IPC).
Previously, the order statement was suspended in this matter.
Special Judge Goelanjali Goel recently made orders backed up after prosecution and defense advisors concluded their arguments about cost framing problems.
Previously, the Public Prosecutor Atul Srivastava emphasized that Pushkar had undergone mental cruelty which led to his poor health.
The Public Prosecutor also argues that it is not an unintentional death and relies on post mortem reports that indicate that the cause of death is poisoning that can be oral or injected.
Srivastava also said that because of mental cruelty caused by pushkar, his health became worse.
He further added that the Pushkar did not face previous health problems but the problem began because of “stress and betrayal”.
Tharoor defense adviser and senior advocate Vikas Pahwa said that prosecutors could not set evidence for the leaders and poison injections in the air and were unacceptable.
Tharoor’s lawyer also read the statement by the son of Sunana recorded under Section 161 of the criminal procedure code, where he said, “In AIIM’s morgue, I asked the doctor who did post mortem about the case of death, he (doctor) answered that no There is a game or violation poisoning but the same doctor then goes to the media and says that death is due to poisoning.
Shashi can’t even endanger flies.
“(With input from the agency)

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