Surge in great violations for children in conflict: UNICEF – News2IN

Surge in great violations for children in conflict: UNICEF

Written by news2in

NEW YORK: Armed conflict, violence and insecurity between communals continues to take thousands of children throughout 2021 throughout the world, funds for UN children (UNICEF), warn on Friday.
From Afghanistan to Yemen, and Syria to Northern Ethiopia, UNICEF condemned great violations of young people in prolonged and new conflicts.
Last week, four children were reported among the victims of attacks that killed at least 35 people – including two children’s staff – in the Kayah state in East Myanmar.
In a statement, Executive Director of Unicef ​​Henrietta Fore said that year after year, “the parties for conflict continued to show terrible neglect of children’s rights and welfare”.
“Children of suffering, and children are dying because of this dye.
Every effort must be made to keep these children safe from danger”, he added.
Data is not yet available for the year, but the United Nations verifies 26,425 great violations of children in 2020.
The first three months of 2021 saw a slight decline in the total number of these great violations but the cases of abducting and verified sexual violence continued to increase at that level worrying – each with more than 50 and 10 percent respectively.
The highest verified kidnapping in Somalia, was attended by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and countries at Lake Chad Basin (Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon and Niger).
On the other hand, examples of the highest verified sexual violence in DRC, Somalia and Central African Republic (cars).

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