Swachh Survekshan 2021: Noida, Gurugram & Ghaziabad Register Better Results – News2IN

Swachh Survekshan 2021: Noida, Gurugram & Ghaziabad Register Better Results

Swachh Survekshan 2021: Noida, Gurugram & Ghaziabad Register Better Results
Written by news2in

Noida: collection of waste doors of 62,000 houses, keeping 187 clean public toilets every day, making 252 points free of waste, imposing a fine to dispose of garbage in the open, establishing a compost factory in the housing community – Swide 4 to 4 in a year of marking the peak of one year Efforts of authority and population participation in keeping the city clean.
With the 4th place among cities with a population between 1 lakh and 10 lakh in the Swachh survey, Noida is the cleanest Uttar Pradesh this year, up 21 points from the last time.
But it was a double achievement for Noida on Saturday – it also pocketed a 5-star-free city status of garbage.
The invitation to the SWACHH award ceremony a few days ago still triggered hope for officials of authority that the city might rank among the top 10 this year.
With the 4th place, noida has clearly surpassed all expectations.
More than 4,000 city companies and civil bodies have participated in the survey, whose appreciation was submitted by the Minister of Housing and Urban Uni, Hardeep Singh Puri.
“I want to thank our sanitation workers and the public health department for the hard work they do throughout the year.
That’s because of their dedication that we can reach 4th place.
We also want to thank the residents for their participation.
Without support.
All stakeholders, we may not reach 5-star garbage-free city status this year, “said Ritu Maheshwari, the Chief Executive of the Noida Authority.
Among the officials who were ordered were the additional CEO of Praveen Mishra, officers about the special task of Indu Prakash Singh and Avinash Tripathi and Senior Senior Project Engineers (Public Health) SC Mishra.
A senior official enrolled several steps of authority taken in the past year to keep the city clean.
“It is a combination of efforts.
All waste that will be collected every day is processed, we will arrange plastic use with routine crackdown, continue to oversee the construction and demolition of waste, overcome the residents’ complaints and ensure the bulk waste generator meets the rules,” officials said.
For residents, the battle of authority against waste is not over, but it has just begun.
“Now this is the task of uphill for occupants and authority.
What they have done should be praised, but the sustainability of the movement will be the actual measure of success,” said Rajiva Singh, President Federation Noida from the Association of Apartment owners.
The authority of Noida, meanwhile, appointed Padma Bhushan Awardee Sculptor Ram V Sutar as Ambassador of Swachh City.

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