Sydney police to increase law enforcement after covid records – News2IN

Sydney police to increase law enforcement after covid records

Sydney police to increase law enforcement after covid records
Written by news2in

Sydney: Australian authorities on Tuesday vowed to turn the anti-covid locking rules in Sydney, but rejected the suggestions that harder steps, including curfew, needed after the city reported the biggest new case number one day.
With more than five million Australian largest city residents in locking for more than six weeks, Sydney reported 343 new infections in the outbreak triggered by the spread of the Delta strain which was very transmitted from Covid-19, up 66 from the previous day and topping the last day Set on Saturday -record-high-with-2021-08-07-07-07-07-07.
Authorities in the state of New South Wales (NSW), houses for Sydney, also announced three deaths from viruses, all of them were not vaccinated.
A total of 357 cases were in the hospital, with 60 in intensive care, 28 of them needed ventilation.
With only below 36,700 cases and 942 deaths, Australia has handled a much better pandemic than many other advanced economies.
But Delta’s tension has thrown a plan for reopening Australia in chaos, because the authorities tried to increase the launch of vaccination which became criticism of Prime Minister Scott Morrison hit-pan demic- Lows-Amid-Lockowns-2021-08-08 has slammed too slowly and ineffective.
Amid the question of the effectiveness of Sydney locking, where the population should remain at the house of the essential movement bar, the authorities NSW said the police had been asked to increase checks on how many people were allowed in small stores at the same time as they still saw ” Many unnecessary people movements “.
“What I’m worried is crowding in shopping centers and places we have seen transmission events in small shops,” said the Head of the Head of State to reporters.
State officials have set a target of six million vaccinations at the end of the month – when Sydney Lockdown is currently scheduled to end – if curbs must be removed.
So far more than 4.5 million total shots have been given in New South Wales, with more than 23% of people above 16 fully vaccinated.
“This is why we have a sense of urgency about Jab …
because it gives us the opportunity to see what people can do in September and October,” said Premier State Kniklian to reporters in Sydney.
Meanwhile NSW officials expand rules of strict residence to include two areas near the Queensland border, Byron Bay, and Tamworth, Monday night after a visit with contagious people from the city.
The Australian Victoria country reported a slight increase in Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, increasing the outlook for expanded locking in Melbourne, the second largest city in the country, outside Thursday.
Authorities reported 20 new cases, up from 11 a day before.
In line with the recent trend.
Alarming officials, 15 cases are in the community while contagious.
Economists expect locking in Sydney and Melbourne to have tip to this country of $ 2 trillion ($ 1.5 trillion) into a second recession for years, with the contraction expected to quarter to September.
“There is a big challenge for the economy, but I want people …
to be confident, to be optimistic and know there will be light at the end of the tunnel,” Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg told Broadcaster seven news on Tuesday.

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