Sydney tightens Covid-19 Curbs, Lockdown extends until September – News2IN

Sydney tightens Covid-19 Curbs, Lockdown extends until September

Sydney tightens Covid-19 Curbs, Lockdown extends until September
Written by news2in

Sydney: Australian authorities on Friday expanded the locking of Covid-19 in Sydney until the end of September and introduced the night hours in the suburbs affected by the worst, after almost two months of the sidewalk failed to contain a Delta variant outbreak.
New South Wales Premier Gladys Kniklian also announced 5 million city residents had to wear a mask as soon as they stepped out of their house, except when exercising that had been limited to one hour a day.
Kerjiklian said he had been forced to impose a harder restriction due to escalation in the number of Covid-19 cases and the fact that some people continued to say the rules of locking.
“I asked for health and the police to work together, to give me the last list of what we can throw on this matter, not to leave a shadow of doubts about how serious we are about getting a lower growth rate, the number of cases drops,” Keyprinen said in the conference media broadcast on television.
Kimiklian reported 644 new infections on Friday, most of them in Sydney, down from the record 681 hours earlier.
Daily cases have reached 400 for the past seven days.
The four new deaths were announced, taking the total number of deaths in the latest outbreak to 65.
Australia, who had succeeded in suppressing the virus for most pandemics, struggling to contain a Delta outbreak, a sharp turnover for a country that had experienced only a sporadic flare-up for several years this.
At 12 local council areas in the center of the Sydney outbreak, the curfew will be placed from 9 nights to 5 in the morning of Monday.
Police have been given new powers to ensure compliance with locking steps throughout the city, which has been implemented since June 26, and limiting the movement of people.
“If someone enters (regional government regions) that is concerned without reason, they will not only be fined, they will be sent home and they must be my own isolation for 14 days,” said the South Southern State Police Commissioner Fuller.
Despite the third wave of infection from the Delta variant, which has thrown more than half of the 25 million state populations under strict stay orders, Australia’s Covid-19 numbers are relatively low, with around 42,100 cases and 975 deaths.
But the slow national vaccination program, with only about 28% of people above 16 full vaccinated, have left the country vulnerable to more death and hospitalization.
With an outbreak that shows signs of intersection, many economists predict the sidewalk will encourage the economy of the country to $ 2 trillion ($ 1.5 trillion) into the second recession for years.

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