T S Singhdeo returned in Delhi, C’garh Feud went berserk – News2IN
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T S Singhdeo returned in Delhi, C’garh Feud went berserk

T S Singhdeo returned in Delhi, C'garh Feud went berserk
Written by news2in

Raipur: In a sign that the struggle for power at Congress Chhattisgarh was far from above, Minister of Health T S Singhdeo went to Delhi on Monday afternoon.
Congress veterans have spent most of last week in Delhi, meeting Rahul Gandhi and others in the top Rung Party, in the midst of reports on leadership in the state.
After returning to Raipur on Saturday night, Singhdeo stated that the Congress’s high command had “ordered a decision” on the problem raised by him during Delhi’s visit.
“I am waiting for their decision,” he told MediaPon, who showed that the nerve battle would run.
However, there were no questions about Gwalior Maharaja Way “(Reference to the Shift of Jyotiraditya Scindia to BJP), he stated.
A few hours before his arrival, CM Bhupesh Baghel had landed in Raipur with a winning remarks, and said Rahul will visit Chhattisgarh this week and even Bastar tour.
The supporters cheered: “Dilli SE Ayi Aawaz, Bhupesh PE Bharosa Hai.” Both Baghel and Singhdeo have met Rahul last week in the background of speculation about the formula for changes in medium-term leadership in the state.
After the first round of the meeting, Baghel returned to Raipur on Wednesday while Singhdeo lives in Delhi.
“Congress President Sonia Gandhi Ji and Rahul Ji have chosen a farmer like me as Minister of Chief of Chhattisgarh.
On the day they asked me to stop, I would do it.
There should be no doubt about it, “Baghel told reporters, added:” Those who shout about the ‘two-half year’ cm formula just trying to create turbulence in state politics and they will not succeed.
“Baghel was called back to Delhi on Friday and held a three-hour meeting with Rahul.
A large group of loyalists – 53 MLA, including the minister – also landed in Delhi in the power show and met the state responsible state.
Cm returned to Raipur on Saturday , with the loyalist planeload, and the atmosphere of victory indicates that leadership disputes have been resolved.
Singhdeo arrived that night and indicated that it was not.
“I am waiting for the party’s high command decision,” he said.
Asked whether to come in a week, he said there was no limit of time like that .

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