
18 years old arrested for selling pre-active SIM cards18 years old arrested for selling pre-active SIM cards

18 years old arrested for selling pre-active SIM cards

Letter: An 18-year-old young man was arrested for selling a SIM card that had been activated in the Pandesara letter…

3 years ago
Sugar Institute achieves success in producing ‘bio-char activated’Sugar Institute achieves success in producing ‘bio-char activated’

Sugar Institute achieves success in producing ‘bio-char activated’

Kanpur: National Sugar Institute, Kanpur has achieved success in producing 'Bio-char activated' from Sugarcane Bagasse which is given a surplus…

3 years ago
The gang that supplies a scrambled SIM card, 1 is heldThe gang that supplies a scrambled SIM card, 1 is held

The gang that supplies a scrambled SIM card, 1 is held

Gurgaon: The Flying Minister's head of the head broke the gang which allegedly supply a SIM card that was activated…

3 years ago
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GIF support comes to Google Chat for these users

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4 years ago
Police Bhubaneswar asked the telecommunications operator to stop removing a pre-active SIM cardPolice Bhubaneswar asked the telecommunications operator to stop removing a pre-active SIM card

Police Bhubaneswar asked the telecommunications operator to stop removing a pre-active SIM card

Bhubaneswar: Worried with the seizure of more than 16,000 illegal pre-active SIM cards from the criminal gang here on Tuesday,…

4 years ago
Bhubaneswar: Seven was held to supply a SIM card for Cyber CrooksBhubaneswar: Seven was held to supply a SIM card for Cyber Crooks

Bhubaneswar: Seven was held to supply a SIM card for Cyber Crooks

Bhubaneswar: Police Nagar Saheed here on Tuesday arrested seven people, including two private telecommunications company employees, on charges of illegally…

4 years ago