
Jaipur: Many ordered wedding parks canceledJaipur: Many ordered wedding parks canceled

Jaipur: Many ordered wedding parks canceled

JAIPUR: The city's wedding industry is recovering under the following disadvantages home department's fresh restrictions limit the number of guests…

3 years ago
India on track to achieve Paris Accord and COP commitments 26: Bhupender YadavIndia on track to achieve Paris Accord and COP commitments 26: Bhupender Yadav

India on track to achieve Paris Accord and COP commitments 26: Bhupender Yadav

New Delhi: India is on track to achieve the Commitment of Paris Accord and COP 26 in accordance with the…

3 years ago
China-US must respect, live side by side with each other: XI told Biden on the virtual summitChina-US must respect, live side by side with each other: XI told Biden on the virtual summit

China-US must respect, live side by side with each other: XI told Biden on the virtual summit

Beijing: Chinese President Xi Jinping told Joe Biden's colleagues that China and the US must respect each other, coexisting in…

3 years ago
China-US must respect, live side by side with each other: XI told Biden on the virtual summitChina-US must respect, live side by side with each other: XI told Biden on the virtual summit

China-US must respect, live side by side with each other: XI told Biden on the virtual summit

Beijing: Chinese President Xi Jinping told Joe Biden's colleagues that China and the US must respect each other, coexisting in…

3 years ago
Assam: Ulfa-I extends the unilateral ceasefire again 3 monthsAssam: Ulfa-I extends the unilateral ceasefire again 3 months

Assam: Ulfa-I extends the unilateral ceasefire again 3 months

Dibrugarh: United's Liberation Front which is prohibited by ASOM-independent (ULFA-I) on Sunday extends unilateral CeasFire with three months again, thus…

3 years ago
TN: Police Launch Operations To End Govt’s Work RacketTN: Police Launch Operations To End Govt’s Work Racket

TN: Police Launch Operations To End Govt’s Work Racket

Chennai: Given the cheating incident of the cheating money that aspires to join the work of the government, the Tiruvallur…

3 years ago
Delay train: SC asks RLLS to pay Hospital 35k to passengersDelay train: SC asks RLLS to pay Hospital 35k to passengers

Delay train: SC asks RLLS to pay Hospital 35k to passengers

Alwar: In a rare case, the Supreme Court has upheld the court order which directs the Indian train to pay…

4 years ago
US, India works closer to the prosperity of traffic jams, said the messenger atul KeshapUS, India works closer to the prosperity of traffic jams, said the messenger atul Keshap

US, India works closer to the prosperity of traffic jams, said the messenger atul Keshap

WASHINGTON: The US demanded D'Affaires to India, Atul Keshap on Friday met the Minister of Trade India Piyush Goyal and…

4 years ago
Government order 66 Dosage Crore Vaccine Worth Rs 14,505 CroreGovernment order 66 Dosage Crore Vaccine Worth Rs 14,505 Crore

Government order 66 Dosage Crore Vaccine Worth Rs 14,505 Crore

New Delhi: The government stipulates the largest order but Covid vaccine in 66 doses of crore worth 14,505 crore to…

4 years ago
City Corp to streamline the payment system in advanceCity Corp to streamline the payment system in advance

City Corp to streamline the payment system in advance

Thiruvananthapuram: City Corporation will streamline the payment system in advance to officials for various works and projects and further regularization…

4 years ago