
Fierce battle in Panjshir; Good Taliban, claims resistance ‘top hands’

KABUL: The fate of Panjshir Afghan Valley - The last shelter against Taliban control - Hang in balance as a…

3 years ago

Afghanistan: Taliban form a bond with al-Qaida to fight the Panjshir Front Resistance

KABUL: Taliban who issued a severe causality during the deadlock with the power of Afghan resistance has been holding hands…

3 years ago

A good gender balance in US-Indian diplomacy amid sustainable women’s oppression by Taliban 2.0

Washington: At the moment the world's attention is focused on the return of Taliban 2.0 in Kabul and his treatment…

3 years ago

Taliban and Afghan flag Sandingse in the ‘Unity’ cricket match

Kabul: The almost full house turned out to watch Cricketers over Afghanistan playing in a trial match on Friday, with…

3 years ago

Afghan news anchor makes history, then must leave it

Doha: Afghan television anchor Behesha Arghand collects breath and adjusts the jilly to look more like a traditional hijab that…

3 years ago

Hunted by the people they were imprisoned, Afghan female judges looking for escape

Hague: 250 Afghan women judge concerns to their lives, with men they have been imprisoned are now released by the…

3 years ago

KABUL: Taliban flag and Afghanistan side by side in the ‘Unity’ cricket match

Kabul: A nearly full house turned out to watch the top Afghan Cricketers playing in the trial match on Friday…

3 years ago

The Taliban approved the first Afghan cricket test since takeover

KABUL: Taliban have approved Afghan's first cricket test since their takeover, raised hope that international matches will continue as usual…

3 years ago

After US forces left, focus on how the Taliban will face a challenge in front

Islamabad: Cheerful Taliban began to remove their weapons in the air across Kabul when some of the last American soldiers…

3 years ago

Afghan Teenagers Detained While ‘Returns’ from Delhi Via Kashmir

Jammu: Police Jammu and Kashmir detained a 17-year-old Afghan citizen at Covid testing center at the Lakhanpur entry point in…

3 years ago