
Kiran Gosavi landed in police custody Pune

Pune: City police since the beginning on Thursday morning captured Kiran Gosavi, who recently supported the headlines with the surface…

3 years ago

BJP once praised Sonu Sood, now considered the Tax Evader: Sena in I-T action against actors

Mumbai: Sena Shiv on Friday slams BJP on the actions of the income tax department against actor Sonu Sood, saying…

3 years ago

Nia Chargesheet against Paresh in the case of the 2019 grenade explosion

Guwahati: Eight years after the National Investigation Agency (NIA) named Head of Ulfa-I Paresh Barracks "the most sought-after" followed by…

3 years ago

Zero belief in Mumbai in violations on SCS, STS

Mumbai: Not a single violation committed against individuals from the scheduled caste or the scheduled (ST) receive confidence in the…

3 years ago

The Rupee Inch 6 Paise was higher to 73.46 against the US dollar at the beginning of trade

Mumbai: Indian rupees edged higher by 6 Paise to 73.46 against the US dollar in opening trading on Friday, tracking…

3 years ago

I will be ready for the ashes series, said Australia Captain Team Paine

The Australian Test Captain Tim Paine believes he will be ready for the start of the ash series against England…

3 years ago

2 ABSCONDERS YTL Arrested from Balaji Balendati Temple

Yavatmal: Police succeed in Nabbing Absconding Land Mafia Anant alias Boy Jaiswal (44) and his colleague Gopal Bhakhtiyar (62) from…

3 years ago

Demolition of Temple: Slam BJP Govt Snaffron Clothing

Mangaluru: Hindu organizations protest against the demolition of a temple near Nanjiud, with a large number of VHP activists and…

3 years ago

Odisha tops in taking action in cases of disproportional assets in the country: NCRB

Bhubaneswar: Displays zero tolerance on corruption, Odisha's vigilance last year took action against 93 civil servants because they had disproportional…

3 years ago

The Ludhiana Health Department manages 2.5 million doses of anti-covid-19

Ludhiana: The Ludhiana Health Department on Thursday achieved a landmark achievement after giving a 2.5 million anti-covid vaccine dose to…

3 years ago