
This is a joint attack on the bishop, said Muraleedharan

Thiruvananthapuram: Minister of Union V Muraleedharan on Saturday said those who criticized the bishop of nutmeg because they talked about…

3 years ago

Search for men who rape women, take the video of that action

Coimbatore: A 25-year-old man has been ordered for raping a 20-year-old woman, taking the video of the action and extorting…

3 years ago

BJP will be arranged for the top campaign, to rely on the image of Yogi Adityanath ‘Firma’

The month before the announcement of the date for assembly polls, BJP will drop from the initial block at the…

3 years ago

HEARING HC starts at Nia Plea challenging Debit Akhil

Guwahati: The trial at the Nia Petition challenged the disposal of Raijor Dal MLA Akhil Gogoi from all charges under…

3 years ago

India vs England: some hard lessons for BCCI and ECB

Mumbai: During the deliberation between Indian cricket boards (BCCI) and their English partners, the ECB, the last offer the option…

3 years ago

Man throws acid on his wife, daughter; Arrested

Gorakhpur: A man threw acid on his wife and two daughters in Kambraghat below the boundary of the Cantt police…

3 years ago

Rims plans actions against 8 students to ‘Ragging’

Ranchi: Eight Medical Sciences Students Rajendra has been identified to create a commotion on campus and disciplinary action has been…

3 years ago

Fir against BJP leaders for violations of norm cov

Ranchi: District administration on Friday submitted a case against 28 BJP leaders and around 1,500 unknown party workers at the…

3 years ago

: Head of Aimim Asaduddin Owafisi ordered

Lucknow: Head of AIMIM Asaduddin Owaisa has been ordered for allegedly eliminating communal harmony, making an unpleasant statement against Prime…

3 years ago

‘Close 100% with the first shot before Fests’

New Delhi: The center on Thursday urges the country and public to help increase the rate of covid vaccination to…

3 years ago