
If the high command asks someone else to be cm, it will be: Bhupesh Baghel after meeting Congress leaders

New Delhi: If the Congress High Command asks others to step as Chief of the Minister Chhattisgarh, will be so,…

3 years ago

Punjab Power Crisis: In the middle of Amarinder vs. Badal, Sidhu digging opposition

New Delhi: The leader of the Navjot Singh Sidhu congress on Saturday trains his weapon at Aam Aadmi Party Kejriawal…

3 years ago

The Minister of G20 is set to give a green light to global tax reform

Venice: The Minister of Finance of the G20 of the richest countries continued the discussion in Venice on Saturday to…

3 years ago

China Antitrust Regulator Block Merger Video Games Tencent

Hong Kong: China Market Regulator on Saturday said it would block the plan Tencent Holdings Ltd to combine the two…

3 years ago

Hunter Biden Painting Pose Challenge Ethics for the President

Washington: The White House has set a setting that will enable the son of President Joe Biden Hunter to sell…

3 years ago

Musk’s experiments asked questions $ 2 billion: Who controlled Tesla?

New Delhi: Is Elon Musk Control Tesla Inc.or Is Tesla Control Elon Musk? More than $ 2 billion hinges on…

3 years ago

Boris Johnson booked a review of China Tech Tech Firm

LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said his government would review the largest purchase of semiconductor producers in the UK…

3 years ago

France welcomed the new New Caledonia President before the election of the final independence

Paris: The Minister of France abroad on Thursday welcomed the news that the New Caledonia had chosen Louis Mapou as…

3 years ago

Israel to send a dose of Pfizer 700k to South Korea in Swap Transactions

Jerusalem: Israel sent 700,000 doses of Coronavirus vaccine to South Korea in exchange for vaccines in the future from South…

3 years ago

Rahul Gandhi digs in the midst of Rafale’s agreement, the increase in fuel prices

New Delhi: The leader of the Rahul Gandhi congress on Tuesday took Dig in the middle of Rafale's agreement and…

3 years ago