
2 days, more drugs seized from the mobile seller

Ludhiana: Two days after the arrest of two drug vendors, Jagjit Singh Eedu and Harminder Singh Pannu, Unit Ludhiana Force…

3 years ago

1,000 villagers combed forests, saving a six-year-old boy

Ludhiana: In a rare search and rescue operation, more than 1,000 people from more than 20 villages in Ludhiana gathered…

3 years ago

Punjab Govt must provide modern equipment for sanitation workers in Ludhiana: AAP

Ludhiana: Aam Aadmi Party said that the authorities in Ludhiana forced sanitation workers to clear the gutter line without giving…

3 years ago

In Radar Style: Reflect Hot Abhay Deol

The new images released by actor Abhay Deol were too hot to run.We cannot stop flowing on a trendy appearance…

3 years ago

Assault Group ASI, grabbed the service weapon in Raikot

Ludhiana: A group of 16 people who attacked the allegations of the Jalaluddal police post, Raikot, in Gobindarh, aware of…

3 years ago

5 years, father, uncle was held to kill 21 years for honor

Ludhiana: Five years after a 21-year-old woman was killed for honor, police Ludhiana had arrested her father and uncle, which…

3 years ago