
Amarinder Singh to oppose the election of the Punjab Assembly from Patiala SeatAmarinder Singh to oppose the election of the Punjab Assembly from Patiala Seat

Amarinder Singh to oppose the election of the Punjab Assembly from Patiala Seat

PATIALA: Capt Amarinder Singh, who drifted his own political clothes after resigning from Congress, would oppose the election of the…

3 years ago
‘Ed Raids shows Channi Govt as a suitcase in Sarkar’‘Ed Raids shows Channi Govt as a suitcase in Sarkar’

‘Ed Raids shows Channi Govt as a suitcase in Sarkar’

Chandigarh: Head of Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) Amarinder Singh on Friday launched a spicy attack on Chararjit Singh Channi, accusing…

3 years ago
‘Suitcase in Sarkar’: Capt Slams Channi Govt‘Suitcase in Sarkar’: Capt Slams Channi Govt

‘Suitcase in Sarkar’: Capt Slams Channi Govt

Chandigarh: The Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) captain Amarinder Singh on Friday launched a spicy attack on CM Chararjit Singh Channi,…

3 years ago
PM Security Violations Managed Stage by Channi Govt: AmarinderPM Security Violations Managed Stage by Channi Govt: Amarinder

PM Security Violations Managed Stage by Channi Govt: Amarinder

Chandigarh: The leader of the Punjab Lok Congress Amarinder Singh launched a scathing attack on Charanjit Charanjit Channi's head, allebting…

3 years ago
Agenda 18 points: Cong Banking on Channi Day 111Agenda 18 points: Cong Banking on Channi Day 111

Agenda 18 points: Cong Banking on Channi Day 111

Chandigarh: Even though Congress claimed to have started an action on the 18-point agenda which was very hyped during the…

3 years ago
Former Minister of Punjab Minister Amarinder Singh Positive for Covid-19Former Minister of Punjab Minister Amarinder Singh Positive for Covid-19

Former Minister of Punjab Minister Amarinder Singh Positive for Covid-19

Chandigarh: Former Chief Minister of Punjab and Punjab Lok Congress President Amarinder Singh on Wednesday was tested positive Covid-19 and…

3 years ago
The Amarinder Party Singh got a hockey stick & ballThe Amarinder Party Singh got a hockey stick & ball

The Amarinder Party Singh got a hockey stick & ball

Chandigarh: Former Minister of Amarinder Singh, Punjab Lok Congress, finally got a symbol of his election - a hockey stick…

3 years ago
Receal of Farm Law: History will not forget the insults of farmers, say Harish ChaudharyReceal of Farm Law: History will not forget the insults of farmers, say Harish Chaudhary

Receal of Farm Law: History will not forget the insults of farmers, say Harish Chaudhary

Ludhiana: All Indian Congress Committee (AICC) is responsible for Punjab Harish Chaudhary camping in Ludhiana since Thursday night to receive…

3 years ago
Agriculture Act: Modi Move can change the Punjab poll equationAgriculture Act: Modi Move can change the Punjab poll equation

Agriculture Act: Modi Move can change the Punjab poll equation

New Delhi: Announcement of PM Narendra Modi about the revocation of three agricultural laws can change the election temperament in…

3 years ago
Sharing Seat with BJP 110% on: CaptainSharing Seat with BJP 110% on: Captain

Sharing Seat with BJP 110% on: Captain

The agricultural laws have brightened the possibility of BJP that binds with the Congress rebels and former Cm Cm Amarinder…

3 years ago