
Gas Letter Leakage Case: MD Company Gets Guarantee

Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on January 21 provides an anticipatory interim anticipatory guarantee that it is urgent until February…

2 years ago

Deputy Head of the Army warned Pakistan for the use of terrorism

New Delhi: Countries with 'Regressive Thought' such as Pakistan, who use terrorism as a political tool, need to understand that…

2 years ago

Omicron bets have peaked, England will raise covid rules

LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce the end of most of the Covid-19 steps introduced to curb the…

2 years ago

In the middle of the mass show, Mayawati called the ‘anti-dalit’ sp party

Lucknow: When some leaders from BJP shift loyalty to the Samajwadi Party (SP) who said it worked for the Dalit…

2 years ago

Bihar: Delay of Construction of the RCC Irks Villagers Bridge

Khagaria: Hatred applies among people because of uncontrolled delays in the resolution of the RCC bridge crossing the Kachna River…

2 years ago

Test the speed of meellavittan-lamamaruthur immediately

Madurai: As part of the work of laying the lane from Madurai to Tuticorin, the Madurai train division will conduct…

2 years ago

Maharashtra: Women, Son ordered for attacking neighbors in Thane

Thane: an old woman and her son from the highrise luxury housing complex at Pokhran 2 Thane area has been…

3 years ago

Will Cheteshwar Pujara become ‘a little fearless’ like him in England?

India No.3 said the approach now is to enjoy Gamecheteshwar Pujara has been on the firefine forever.For all the blows…

3 years ago

Head of the National Minority Panel compares Indira Gandhi, PM Narendra Modi

Jalandhar: Drawing the contrast between the Prime Minister of Indira Gandhi's approach to Sikh in 1984 and the Narendra Modi…

3 years ago

Support ‘Wealth, Work Creator’: PM to the Bank

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a strong pitch for the bank managed by the state on Thursday to…

3 years ago