
Naxalite was shot down in the bastarNaxalite was shot down in the bastar

Naxalite was shot down in the bastar

Bastar: A Commander Maois, bringing the gift of Rs 10 lakh, shot down in the middle of the Narayanpur forest…

3 years ago
Bastar Dists at the ‘Millet’ Chhattisgarh ‘missionBastar Dists at the ‘Millet’ Chhattisgarh ‘mission

Bastar Dists at the ‘Millet’ Chhattisgarh ‘mission

Raipur: Little seeds may be proven to major game-changer in Bastar.The government of Baghel Bhupesh has covered all seven regencies…

4 years ago
The first Indian food garden for Tribals will start in BastarThe first Indian food garden for Tribals will start in Bastar

The first Indian food garden for Tribals will start in Bastar

Jagdalpur / Bastar: Amid concerns over unemployment in ongoing pandemics, the first India of food parks for tribes in Jagdalpur…

4 years ago
The tribal woman became a torchbearers in the campaign to extinguish worries and spur vaccinationThe tribal woman became a torchbearers in the campaign to extinguish worries and spur vaccination

The tribal woman became a torchbearers in the campaign to extinguish worries and spur vaccination

New Delhi: tribal women from Bakawand Village Block Bastar on Thursday became a outreach campaign torchbearers launched by the center…

4 years ago
Rs 15 lakh on his head, Maois related to C’garh Carnage Dies of Covid-19Rs 15 lakh on his head, Maois related to C’garh Carnage Dies of Covid-19

Rs 15 lakh on his head, Maois related to C’garh Carnage Dies of Covid-19

Raipur: One of the most sought-after Maoist leaders in Bastar, who was accused of carrying out the massacre of Congress…

4 years ago

Hit maois is now a covid nest

Raipur: Maois is not the only problem in the bastar today.Covid-19 brought havoc, among the same guerrillas and plain.The Heartland…

4 years ago
Bastar hit Maois has now become a covid nestBastar hit Maois has now become a covid nest

Bastar hit Maois has now become a covid nest

Raipur: Maois is not the only problem in the bastar today.Covid-19 brought havoc, among the same guerrillas and plain.The Heartland…

4 years ago