
Dolphin Carcass is found

Religious: The carcass of Irrawaddy dolphins, endangered species, was found floating in Lake Chilika near Rambha Range on Tuesday.It was…

2 years ago

2 was given a 6-month prison for leopard skin smuggling

Bhubaneswar: The Judicial Sub-Division (SDJM) Magistrat Court (SDJM) in Khurda on Tuesday sentenced two people to undergo six hard prisons…

2 years ago

The woman died after the transfusion of ‘wrong blood’ at Odisha Hospital

Rourkela: A 25-year-old woman died after the blood of the wrong group was allegedly given to him in a hospital…

3 years ago

Dismissing Bhubaneswar Cop, KIN Owned 6.97 Crore Da Asset: Alert

BHubaneswar: Constable Prasnana Behera, who has just been suspended to run bars without permission in the city, and family members…

3 years ago

Sking Constable, Kin has an asset RS 6.97 CR DA: Odisha Wasvilance

Bhubaneswar: Former Portable Prasanna Behera, who recently because of running a bar that is not licensed in the city, and…

3 years ago

Bhubaneswar’s nephew dismissed felt hot alertness

Bhubaneswar: The former Constable Prasnana Behera, who was recently arrested for allegedly running a bar that was not licensed here…

3 years ago

Odisha assembly passes the resolution congratulations to the national hockey team for the performance of the Tokyo Olympics

Bhubaneswar: The State Assembly on Tuesday issued a round resolution to congratulate the Hockey team of women and men of…

3 years ago

The CBI registers case against Senior RSP officers, Pvt Mining Cos

Bhubaneswar: Central Investigation Bureau (CBI) here on Wednesday registered a case against a senior officer of the Rourkela steel factory…

3 years ago

Hospital staff detained for the offer of fraud to claim help from CM funds

Bhubaneswar: Police on Monday thwarted the deception of hospital employees to claim financial assistance from the Minister of Funds (CMRF)…

3 years ago

Bhubaneswar hospital staff is held for cheat trying to claim CMRF

Bhubaneswar: Police Bharatpur here on Monday thwarted the deception of hospital employees claiming financial assistance from the Minister of Public…

3 years ago