
More than 3 lakh Lansel forest fires are recorded since November 2020: Government

New Delhi: India recorded 3,45,989 warning forest fires between November 2020 and June 2021, the highest in the last three…

3 years ago

The Haryana Subordinate Court has 284 Judge vacancies, Punjab 103

Chandigarh: When the court has grappled with increasing case backlogs and increasing new case institutions every year, as many as…

3 years ago

BJP: Assam tries to solve border disputes wisely

Guwahati: Unit Assam BJP has said the state government has moved wisely to resolve the old boundary dispute with Mizoram…

3 years ago

Leaving Neda from this, let’s say both Assam & Mizoram government

Guwahati / Aizawl: Regional Version of NDA, Northeast Democratic Alliance (Neda) was expelled from the ongoing border attachment between Assam…

3 years ago

Flood in many regions of Guwahati after moderate rain

Guwahati: Moderate rain put Guwahati on Thursday, resulting in heavy rounds on the main streets and housing areas that lay…

3 years ago

NASA shows how Tokyo can be seen from space during the Olympics

With Tokyo hold the 2020 Summer Olympics, the Japanese capital is all decorated to celebrate the spirit of the game.Despite…

3 years ago

Do we do enough for orphans with Covid?

In the midst of the headline number Covid-19, a decrease in positive position, vaccine penetration and the third wave of…

3 years ago

BJP-LED Northeast Alliance Stay from Border Row

Guwahati / Aizawl: The regional version of NDA in the Northeast maintains a wise distance from the border confrontation between…

3 years ago

A total of seven border disputes between countries in the country; Assam has a dispute with four states: government

New Delhi: The bloody clash between Assam and Mizoram security forces has brought back to focus on disputes between the…

3 years ago

Mayawati demands a SC investigation monitored to the Pegasus line

Lucknow: Head of BSP Mayawati on Thursday demanded an investigation monitored by the Supreme Court into Pegasus Spyware controversy, a…

3 years ago