
Maintain operational readiness all time: IAF Head of CommanderMaintain operational readiness all time: IAF Head of Commander

Maintain operational readiness all time: IAF Head of Commander

New Delhi: The Indian Air Force (IAF) must maintain operational readiness throughout the time, and should have a sustainable focus…

4 years ago
Head of the Indian Air Force RKS Bhadauria: Must build the capacity to improve care and operability in complex conditionsHead of the Indian Air Force RKS Bhadauria: Must build the capacity to improve care and operability in complex conditions

Head of the Indian Air Force RKS Bhadauria: Must build the capacity to improve care and operability in complex conditions

Nagpur: Head of Air Marshal RKS Bhadauria, Air Chief of Staff attended the Conference Commander of the Care Commander at…

4 years ago
Air combat capabilities have risen since Balakot, Galwan: IAF ChiefAir combat capabilities have risen since Balakot, Galwan: IAF Chief

Air combat capabilities have risen since Balakot, Galwan: IAF Chief

New Delhi: Indian air combat capabilities in hitting targets with precision, maintaining vital assets and new technological infusion have significantly…

4 years ago
Raj Topper wants to do climate changeRaj Topper wants to do climate change

Raj Topper wants to do climate change

Jaipur: Prachi Bhadauria from Rukmani Birla Modern High School gets 99.98% to appear as a country's topper in class X…

4 years ago
IAF officially scolded the Rafale plane to 101 East Air Command SquadonsIAF officially scolded the Rafale plane to 101 East Air Command Squadons

IAF officially scolded the Rafale plane to 101 East Air Command Squadons

New Delhi: The Indian Air Force (IAF) officially triggered a Rafale plane to 101 his squadron from the East Air…

4 years ago
Up Block Panchayat Head Polling: BJP leader ordered to attack Etawah Asp Prashant Kumar PrasadUp Block Panchayat Head Polling: BJP leader ordered to attack Etawah Asp Prashant Kumar Prasad

Up Block Panchayat Head Polling: BJP leader ordered to attack Etawah Asp Prashant Kumar Prasad

Kanpur: The case has been ordered by leader Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Vimal Bhadauria, who along with his aides has…

4 years ago
MiG-21s to be Carried out in 3 Decades: RKS BhadauriaMiG-21s to be Carried out in 3 Decades: RKS Bhadauria

MiG-21s to be Carried out in 3 Decades: RKS Bhadauria

HYDERABAD: The phasing from MiG-21 fighter jets, that were involved in many accidents through time, will occur within the next…

4 years ago
Rely on with China for Second round parleys over Eastern Ladakh Scenario: IAF chiefRely on with China for Second round parleys over Eastern Ladakh Scenario: IAF chief

Rely on with China for Second round parleys over Eastern Ladakh Scenario: IAF chief

HYDERABAD: India Air Force Chief Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria on Saturday Advised a Choice for another Commander-level talks with…

4 years ago
Security challenges Resulted in Massive changes in force: IAF Main RKS BhadauriaSecurity challenges Resulted in Massive changes in force: IAF Main RKS Bhadauria

Security challenges Resulted in Massive changes in force: IAF Main RKS Bhadauria

NEW DELHI: The Indian Air Force has gone through enormous transformation together with unprecedented and quickly evolving security situation in…

4 years ago
Absconding BJP leader, Needed criminal DetainedAbsconding BJP leader, Needed criminal Detained

Absconding BJP leader, Needed criminal Detained

Kanpur: The Kanpur authorities detained BJP leader Narayan Singh Bhadauria along with among the aides from Noida on Friday for…

4 years ago